Image crop=portrait
Using Jamroom
The easiest that I can see is to add this at line 1694 at the end of the // Cropping section of jrImage_create_image()
$_offsets = explode(':', $_post['crop']);
if (count($_offsets) == 4) {
$src_x_offset = $_offsets[2];
$src_y_offset = $_offsets[3];
$_offsets = explode(':', $_post['crop']);
if (count($_offsets) == 4) {
$src_x_offset = $_offsets[2];
$src_y_offset = $_offsets[3];
else {
// maintain aspect ratio of original image
$new_height = (int) (($src_height / $src_width) * $new_width);
$_post['height'] = $new_height;
// create resource
Then in the jrImage_display smarty function use crop="16:9:0:0"
I don't see any notices or warnings in the error log, so I'll leave that in place and try out some different combinations of cropping.
I can manage without it by capturing multiple images per module item, but it would be very nice to have if possible