Search and Passwords
Jamroom Developers
paul:SteveX - Does your Google Maps module have this ability?
No, it doesn't, but ujGoogleMaps would make a great start . More search (cowbell) would be a good addition to the module, a mapped radius search might be useful. Showing the results on a map would be what googlemaps does, and it will already do it if you pass in your array of markers (and a marker template for a popup within the map).
You'd need to get your users near the searched for zipcode, then pass their data into the ujGoogleMaps_map smarty function as items (or a custom array of markers) and a marker template. You should then be able to use that same items array to do a normal jrCore list - ujGoogleMaps just shows them on a map at the top of the page.
I probably won't be able think about it for at least a month or more, but I would like to expand on googlemaps, or (more likely) make some additional modules to take advantage of it. ujProximity might be a good additional module to make. The idea of ujGoogleMaps was to show anything on a map, and to have a really really simple interface for adding maps for users who can't read maps.
updated by @ultrajam: 01/14/15 03:19:25PM