Forum Activity for @ultrajam

01/17/15 03:21:44PM
2,584 posts

sitebuilder ez add slider and slideshow


Me and Soaring may have to be a bit careful- just got politely criticized for crowing about JR a little TOO often on Creators... lol

Tell them to go fork an angular project (not too polite I know, but it's Saturday).
01/17/15 03:14:39PM
2,584 posts

Context sensitive menu in Tiny MCE editor?

Ning To Jamroom

There is a context menu plugin in tinymce, I can't look right now but I don't think it is installed for the default jamroom tinymce config, you can add it in the config template though. I have used it recently, and it is handy if you get your comonly used items in the context menu.
01/17/15 03:03:48PM
2,584 posts


Jamroom Developers

Strumelia:nice to see your face!

I agree! :)
01/16/15 04:03:06PM
2,584 posts

gallery oddness (last image dropping below rest)

Design and Skin Customization

That smarty manual is really great for clues. Smarty is really pretty easy to get to grips with, the manual is brief and doesn't have hundreds of pages (which is very cool) yet it releases 1.5 avalanches of additional Jamroom customisation power for each page you read.

A little bit of smarty plus a little bit of css and jquery... MUCH more power, and the next skin on the onion.
01/16/15 03:50:35PM
2,584 posts

gallery oddness (last image dropping below rest)

Design and Skin Customization

The answer here shows how to do this dividing by 4:

Then you can jsut use:
{if $item@ % 4 == 0}
01/16/15 03:45:35PM
2,584 posts

gallery oddness (last image dropping below rest)

Design and Skin Customization

        {if $item@iteration == 4 || $item@iteration == 8}
        </div><div style="clear:both"></div>
You are only telling it to do the first 2 rows.

Try something like
        {if $item@iteration == 4 || $item@iteration == 8 || $item@iteration == 12}
        </div><div style="clear:both"></div>
and it will do the first 3 rows.
01/14/15 03:15:31PM
2,584 posts

Search and Passwords

Jamroom Developers

paul:SteveX - Does your Google Maps module have this ability?

No, it doesn't, but ujGoogleMaps would make a great start . More search (cowbell) would be a good addition to the module, a mapped radius search might be useful. Showing the results on a map would be what googlemaps does, and it will already do it if you pass in your array of markers (and a marker template for a popup within the map).

You'd need to get your users near the searched for zipcode, then pass their data into the ujGoogleMaps_map smarty function as items (or a custom array of markers) and a marker template. You should then be able to use that same items array to do a normal jrCore list - ujGoogleMaps just shows them on a map at the top of the page.

I probably won't be able think about it for at least a month or more, but I would like to expand on googlemaps, or (more likely) make some additional modules to take advantage of it. ujProximity might be a good additional module to make. The idea of ujGoogleMaps was to show anything on a map, and to have a really really simple interface for adding maps for users who can't read maps.
updated by @ultrajam: 01/14/15 03:19:25PM
01/14/15 06:57:29AM
2,584 posts

jrPoll embed and jrUpimg_allowed

Jamroom Developers

I discovered the lang_documentaton one after a while of scratching my head and checking my spelling dozens of times - couldn't see why it wasn't working, until I saw that I had to misspell it in order for it to work.

Not sure about jrDocs_item_index_order_button or why it has no alt text, I noticed it in the html output rather than in the code.