Forum Activity for @ultrajam

01/30/15 05:32:42PM
2,584 posts

ning to jamroom and sitebuilder video (posted on creators)

Ning To Jamroom

Soaring Eagle, it would be cool if you could make a highlights wersion.

1hr 25mins is quite long.
01/30/15 05:24:56PM
2,584 posts

Guitar Club

Off Topic

brian:a circa 2000 black Les Paul Studio that my wife bought for me (a total surprise on Christmas morning - I almost cried!).

Man, you have a lovely wife! (I hope it's ok to say that here)

I guess I need to buy some instruments.
01/28/15 03:52:17PM
2,584 posts

new page titles and meta tags

Using Jamroom

Those seo guys must have got their hooks into you pretty badly if they've managed to get you paying them to stand by and watch a forum thread?
01/28/15 12:21:22AM
2,584 posts

Embedding gif images

Installation and Configuration

jrImage not jrGallery
01/27/15 03:37:11PM
2,584 posts

Some funky things happening on cloned skins when styling

Design and Skin Customization

I had a very brief look with ff tools. Could be something to do with top: 0px !important;

I'll try to look tomorrow if you haven't already fixed it.
01/27/15 03:25:25PM
2,584 posts

Large Video Conversion - Time Out

Using Jamroom

This is outrageous! Ken had to wait a whole NINE MINUTES for that module update???


Yeah - Sorry about that, we will try harder next time ;-)

I need my timeout to be 3.78 hours. Lots of people will love that and then Jamroom will be famous. ;)
01/27/15 02:40:10PM
2,584 posts

Some funky things happening on cloned skins when styling

Design and Skin Customization

John, as I'm sure you know, it's easier to see what the css is doing from a link to the page with the css in it than from a screenshot.
01/24/15 01:20:51PM
2,584 posts

jrcomment wont verify after update

Ning To Jamroom

So if it's used by JR, and if I'm going to complain about my sucky mySQL to Arvixe, - is this suckiness their fault? Just want to not sound foolish.

I doubt that it's their "fault", just their calculation as to what they can provide across all accounts on a shared hosting server without either pricing themselves out of business (price too low) or driving away their customers (price too high). Database restrictions are coming into play for you because you are migrating a large ning site to jamroom and ironing out the kinks, probably an unexpected spike in demand for one account - they share resources so all accounts get a fair deal for their money (hopefully it's a fair deal), i.e. all sites are not suffering because one site makes an unanticipated demand on processor, ram, support, bandwidth etc.

Ideally arvixe would be able to temporarily put your site on a less restricted quota whilst you are taxing resources, and then move you onto a long term shared hosting quota once you working normally. (I'd expect to pay more for that)

As a long-term way around those restrictions you could get a $5 account with digitalocean, install virtualmin, play around with it for a year or two, then move your sites to that when you are confident (virtualmin seems to do a pretty easy migration of accounts from cpanel).
updated by @ultrajam: 01/24/15 01:22:37PM
01/24/15 12:27:56PM
2,584 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Maybe you are clicking the wrong link Ken, or maybe one of your links changed buth they are definitely 3 different pages. Anyway, I expect your server guy has already made sense of it, but just in case...

I linked to "Advanced Apache Configuration", which tells you the 5 ways that you can edit your apache config on your cpanel server. It says this near the top of the page:
Quote: Make certain that you only use the methods below to modify your Apache configuration. If you use a method that we do not support, cPanel & WHM and EasyApache can overwrite your custom configuration.
I think that the section I linked to would be the best place to start. You can run the cpanel script to check that the jamroom changes are not wiped out (and also the easyapache script, my mistake above, there are 2 scripts to run in order to be certain).

I interpret that as meaning you can run those 2 scripts and if the jamroom changes remain, then "bingo" you have your solution on your specific whm/cpanel server config. But if the changes are wiped out, you will have an unchanged server and might need to try one of the other methods. I'd give it a try myself but I don't have root access on my whm/cpanel server (its a reseller account). My more recent servers use webmin/virtualmin (which work better for my needs).

Your links lead to "Apache Configuration File and Building Apache" and "Global Configuration".
01/24/15 10:19:23AM
2,584 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Ken, the info is different on the page I linked to (although it is in the same manual).

You said that your server support said that the module will work but that they were worried about the changes being wiped out when cpanel updates the files.

The section of the page I linked to tells you how to run a cpanel script to see if the changes will be wiped out (very simple, only one line). If the changes to httpd.conf are gone after running the script then you will know that the module will not work for you. If the changes remain after running the script then you know that it will work for you.

Of course they need to run that as root, which may not be available if they are on a whm reseller setup.