Show Googlemaps in profiles and show all profiles on one map.
You should use the docs on, not any other docs. Most people have no problems, indiegospel was unable to type in the field name in form designer - I logged into his site, typed the name in for him and it worked!
Try making a simple map as explained in the docs, then try more complicated maps once you have something simple working on your site.
Make sure you have mappable data for whatever you are trying to show on a map.
If you have made your custom field correctly, in your debug window you should be able to see an array which contains the map data (part of the profile for you). You can pass that into the map parameter of ujGoogleMaps_map. If you don't see that mappable data in debug, you can't show it on a map.
So that could be:
{ujGoogleMaps_map map=$_profile
{ujGoogleMaps_map map=$item._profile
{ujGoogleMaps_map map=$item._item
It will depend on which template you are using. Use debug, find the array with the mappable data in, and pass in that array.
As long as you have added your mappable data to that profile it will show a map.
If you see a blue map, you have mapped lat: 0 lng: 0 (which is in the middle of the ocean).
updated by @ultrajam: 02/01/15 06:35:30AM