Forum Activity for @ultrajam

02/11/15 04:01:43PM
2,584 posts

Template Injection Question

Design and Skin Customization

Where did you get the skin from?
02/11/15 04:00:04PM
2,584 posts

Share your Performance Check Results


Thanks SE, but that wasn't what I asked.
02/11/15 03:49:49PM
2,584 posts

Just Accidentally Erased My ENTIRE website

Ning To Jamroom

No cpanel in JR server so perhaps that will be a good thing Curtis.
but with n cpanel u go9tta learn to manage it 100% cfrom command line

something im learning to do but cpanel makes alotta tasks way easier

This is completely wrong.

Cpanel is only one option from many. Agreed, it is useful, and I'm glad that it's making your life easier whilst learning from it. But there are many options to choose from and none of them involve the command line (apart from the command line that is).
02/11/15 03:42:08PM
2,584 posts

Template Injection Question

Design and Skin Customization

You don't have that skin. But if you do, what's the problem with it?
02/11/15 03:38:38PM
2,584 posts

Share your Performance Check Results


Does the network have any impact on the performance results? Or is it purely on processor / disk / database results?
02/11/15 03:10:32PM
2,584 posts

Jamroom Hosting - looking for a few beta testers

Jamroom Hosting

Wish I could take part in this beta, but hosting is entirely internal where I work (we sill work it out), and my dev sites are fine where they are. :(
02/09/15 04:14:14PM
2,584 posts

swap to "button" media player - embed into blogs and pages modules

Design and Skin Customization

That's interesting, did you do that in a listener? You'll need to take care over upgrades to jrAudio, probably not a problem.
02/09/15 03:39:24PM
2,584 posts

swap to "button" media player - embed into blogs and pages modules

Design and Skin Customization

I don't know, but I'd doubt it.

Try searching jrAudio for jrCore_media_player, its in pretty much all of the jrAudio templates.

Some of them already use type="jrAudio_button", change the others to use it as well.

You can do that via the jrAudio template tab in the ACP
02/09/15 03:22:17PM
2,584 posts

Jamroom Hosting - looking for a few beta testers

Jamroom Hosting

Strumelia:Yayyyyyyyy!!!! It's fast as greased lightning. :) :) :D

Do you mean something like this?:
Grease - Greased Lightning [ With Lyrics ]
02/09/15 03:00:43PM
2,584 posts

swap to "button" media player - embed into blogs and pages modules

Design and Skin Customization

Haven't tried it, but a search for button player on the docs page gives this (one of two possibles):
The first example above the fold is for jrAudio_button