Forum Activity for @ultrajam

02/19/15 12:59:11PM
2,584 posts

Brackets / Atom

Off Topic

BBedit on my laptop.

Dreamweaver (yuck) and Brackets on my work pc.

So I often take my laptop to work.
02/18/15 05:04:02PM
2,584 posts

Google Maps Module

Off Topic

There is a forum for GoogleMaps here:
02/18/15 05:02:47PM
2,584 posts

Google Maps Module

Off Topic

I can see your payment, so you should be able to see it in your marketplace and install it from there. No need to sign out or anything like that.
02/18/15 03:05:35PM
2,584 posts

Keeping cluster updated

Using Jamroom

Just mentioning as it feels relevant, I really like the marketplace channels.

I'm using that this week (on a single server, so probably not entirely relevant) where I don't have ftp or ssh access. Not 100% convenient workflow on what is essentially a dev server, but so far it is working very well :)

Best thing for this situation is that I can show someone how to keep the jamroom up to date with both standard and custom modules and skins from a simple marketplace interface, and they don't need to know about the server/ftp/version control.

Marketplace is very cool Brian :)
updated by @ultrajam: 02/18/15 03:06:34PM
02/18/15 09:35:38AM
2,584 posts

How to Separate Items - Include Only Some

Ning To Jamroom

Use the exclude parameter.
02/18/15 02:35:42AM
2,584 posts

Changelog Request / Suggestion


Just for interest, theres a github project looking at changelogs:

All I use the Jamroom changelog for is to quickly look to see what has changed before updating the module from the marketplace.

If I need to know where code has changed I compare (diff) directories so that the code is right there in front of me when I click on each change. I do that directly in my text editor (BBedit), but there are many stand alone tools as well. I can't imagine how inconvenient it must be to want a list of changed files and line numbers in order to look up changes.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/18/15 02:36:11AM
02/17/15 11:23:56AM
2,584 posts

Can I not use arithmetic in search?

Jamroom Developers

Are you trying to find nearby profiles? If so, try something like this:

{$max_lng = $profile_longitude + 0.02}
{$min_lng = $profile_longitude - 0.02}
{$max_lat = $profile_latitude + 0.02}
{$min_lat = $profile_latitude - 0.02}

{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" search1="profile_longitude < `$max_lng`" search2="profile_longitude > `$min_lng`" search3="profile_latitude < `$max_lat`" search4="profile_latitude > `$min_lat`" limit=100 order_by="_created desc"}

If you are then mapping those points, you might want to use a square map as all of those points will be within a square.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/17/15 11:27:22AM
02/17/15 11:16:50AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


The lat and lng will draw a map with that lat/lng at the center.

If you want to draw a map with multiple items on it, you'd want to add the $profile_latitude and $profile_longitude your $_items array in the expected place (profile_googlemaps_lat and profile_googlemaps_lng).

This is untested, but you could try something like this:
{foreach $_items as $key => $val}
or this:
{foreach $_items as $key => $val}

Then pass the $_items array into the map parameter:
{ujGoogleMaps_map module="jrProfile" name="countywide" map=$_items height="300" width="100%" map_type="hybrid"}

updated by @ultrajam: 03/10/15 04:13:57PM
02/17/15 05:16:14AM
2,584 posts

RSS Output needed in forums


michael:Does anyone actually follow RSS feeds. I've not followed any in Years. Do you?

I do. I use a feed reader to keep track of blogs which sometimes have articles on things I am interested in, but not enough to visit regularly.

I usually check the feed reader every couple of weeks, scan quickly through the headlines and open anything that sounds interesting.
02/17/15 04:55:15AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


If you have mappable data in the $_items array you probably don't want lat and lng parameters as they will be provided by each item in the array.

You probably want jrProfile as the module (not sure that that would break it though). Have you seen the jrProfile docs here?: