Forum Activity for @ultrajam

03/15/15 06:01:13AM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

You are linking to jrSeamless, those links need to point to each relevant module, and probably to the item detail rather than the index list.
updated by @ultrajam: 03/15/15 06:03:13AM
03/14/15 06:38:28PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

I think Brian mentioned that it would do it for you in Jamroom 6. Something to look forward to :)
03/14/15 03:23:04PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Add to the html image for youtube, and the jrCore_module_function which displays the image for jrVideo (remove the crop= parameter)
03/14/15 03:18:51PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Make that height="200" width="300", forget the px.

@soaringeagle An image from Youtube can't be sized using size="medium", you need to use html to do that.
03/14/15 03:10:41PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Ah, I think I see.

Try using height="200px" width="300px" for both the images.
03/14/15 03:07:55PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Then all you need to do is edit the template to use different html for each module.

Put {debug} into your template to see what variables are available. From memory it's something like $item.seamless_module, so if I've remembered that right you'd need something like this:

{if $item.seamless_module == "jrVideo"}
    display it like you want a video to be
    display it like you want a youtube to be
03/14/15 02:39:09PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom


<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.youtube_title_url}"> <img src="{$item.youtube_artwork_url type="video_image" item_id=$item._item_id size="medium" crop="auto" class="iloutline img_scale" alt=$item.video_title width=false height=false}" alt="{$item.youtube_title|jrCore_entity_string}" class="iloutline img_scale"></a>


Of course the same would need to be repeated for Vimeo

You want to break your Vimeo module as well?

As a general rule, you can only have one class and one alt. Html doesn't allow for you writing them twice. You would use smarty to change the attributes depending on the module (jrYouTube/jrVideo/jrVimeo).

Take a look at the seamless module, it already does what you want it to do with combining video lsits.
03/13/15 02:53:24PM
2,584 posts

The Big Reverse of the Web

Off Topic

I don't think the younger generation are really applying will whilst giving up their privacy. To start with, they've grown up in a world of reduced privacy, and we did that to them. They didn't invent or implement current thinking/technology, just picked it up and ran with it (hopefully) from an early age. Privacy is much less of an option for the younger generation than it is for us - and what real option do we oldies have? (us who set it up for these youngsters?).

Quote: People growing up today seem to need someone else or some else's technology to think for them.
We all take the best shortcuts available to us at the time. I use Jamroom (thankfully never ning) and heavily rely on the thinking and experience of the team to inform me on what I need and to give me a head start on how I need to do it. I can trust a whole load of thinking to them, and add my own to make it my own. Excellent shortcut.

Most people working websites are still growing up today, however old they are. And they will still be growing up tomorrow unless they are dead in some way.
03/12/15 03:09:21PM
2,584 posts

(next page ) button

Using Jamroom

Try jrCore/templates/list_pager.tpl