Forum Activity for @ultrajam

03/16/15 04:44:15AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


I meant profiles rather than other module items. I asked because I saw results like yours when I had module="jrCore" in the ujGoogleMaps function (I had copied and pasted it from above). When I corrected that the map appeared.

The main bug I fixed was to do with having no results in the first or second profiles listed, but from your screenshot you do have results for the first two profiles. So it might not fix whatever the problem is there.

I'll get the new version uploaded to the marketplace, update it and give it a try.
03/16/15 01:32:33AM
2,584 posts

Date drop down showing date when not entered

Design and Skin Customization

You have both test_ and task_ as the prefix - that can't be right.
03/15/15 07:17:10PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Don't fudge anything. That's a really bad idea.
03/15/15 06:17:26PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

I'm not going to share them, but my success messages are particularly inspiring ;)
03/15/15 06:08:48PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom


I prefer meaningful expletives in my debug. They catch the attention better than foo bar.

Any casual code reader would blush, even rednecks :)
03/15/15 05:49:14PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Yes, I see that you used Site Builder for doing all that Curtis. Thanks, it helps me understand. I need to do this without Site builder though... maybe I can pay someone (Steve perhaps?) a little something to help me get it done the way I need it to on my site...?
I guess I need it to be a certain way that's a little more work to accomplish.

If you can find/pay someone to do this for you might be a good idea, it does sound like it's a little outside your current skill set. Maybe overly ambitious.

Unfortunately I can't help with that at the moment, too much on as it is.
03/15/15 05:15:09PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Yes I can do a littyle bit of code adjusting myself...but I don't know WHERE to put the code.

WHERE do you wnat your list of videos to appear?
03/15/15 05:12:38PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

I don't know. It depends where you wnat your list of videos to appear.
03/15/15 05:10:50PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Site Builder is newer than Seamless, and will definitely work without it.

But you will probably need to adjust the code as well (once you have it in the right place).
03/15/15 05:06:47PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

Ok, so I made a new page, put the code within the "" icon in the content box, and I get this...


(p.s. I DO have Seamless module activated ...and I do not have Site Builder)

Do you mean you are adding it to a jrPages page using a TinyMCE editor field? Or are you adding it in the ACP template editing?
updated by @ultrajam: 03/15/15 05:11:37PM