Forum Activity for @ultrajam

03/18/15 01:36:13AM
2,584 posts

jrElastic user_login.tpl spinner

Using Jamroom

jrElastic user_login.tpl spinner looks for an image here:
updated by @ultrajam: 05/10/15 04:38:46AM
03/17/15 03:55:59PM
2,584 posts

How to remove links from profile_menu.tpl

Using Jamroom

That returns 2 values? I don't think that is possible. Unless you have your profile menu function in a loop.

You can't put it in a loop or you would have 2 menus.

If it returns "2" it will work. If it returns "" it will not work (and you will see the error you are seeing).
updated by @ultrajam: 03/17/15 04:01:27PM
03/17/15 03:48:31PM
2,584 posts

changing /profile page to smaller avatars

Using Jamroom

Jmaroom uses a 12 columns css grid, so divide by 12: col2 = half width, col3 = quarter width...
03/17/15 12:16:42PM
2,584 posts

How to remove links from profile_menu.tpl

Using Jamroom

I menat to add that code (profile_quota_id="{$profile_quota_id}") to the template NOT inside the jrProfile_menu function. Just put it before the function and see what gets printed to the page - kind of like a poor man's debug - you see jsut the variable you are interested in.

Make it more obvious by putting it in a h1:

BUT, if your quota id is 2, that might be something now working quite right in the code. As far as I can see you should only get that error message if $profile_quota_id is not a number.
03/17/15 12:09:52PM
2,584 posts

changing /profile page to smaller avatars

Using Jamroom

Within your row you will have divs with class="col3". You need to change that to class="col2" and change the smarty which ends each row to end the div after each 6 profiles.
03/17/15 11:40:17AM
2,584 posts

How to remove links from profile_menu.tpl

Using Jamroom

That looks fine to me, I have used it exactly like that although it was a year or more ago.

To receive that error message means your $profile_quota_id is not a number. Put this in your template to check that:

So my guess is that you are including the menu somewhere where it cannot be used - where are you trying to make your profile menu appear?

03/16/15 11:42:12AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


I've jsut tried this in my profiles item_list.tpl just after the {if isset($_items)}, and it does work. (it creates a diagonal line of markers as it just adds 1 to the lng and lat for each profile). Only some of the profiles have map data, some do not, this adds a marker for each profile.

{$i = 1}
{foreach $_items as $key => $val}
{$profile_latitude = $i + 1}
{$profile_longitude = $i + 1}
  {$_items[$key].profile_googlemaps="address placeholder"}

{ujGoogleMaps_map module="jrProfile" name="testy" marker="infowindow" map=$_items height="300" width="100%" map_type="hybrid" }

Give that exact code a try in your template and let me know what you see.
updated by @ultrajam: 03/16/15 11:42:49AM
03/16/15 04:48:27AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


1.0.6 is in the Marketplace now.