Forum Activity for @ultrajam

03/22/15 04:39:15PM
2,584 posts

jrCore_list template reference

Using Jamroom

Jamroom looks in the skin directory first (to check for overrides).

If you place jrAudio_item_list_name.tpl in your active skin directory jrAudio will use that template before checking if item_list_name.tpl exists in the module directory.
03/22/15 01:22:02AM
2,584 posts


Using Jamroom

In Developer Tools you have "rebase modules" and "rebase skins".

When you rebase using those tools you can select to delete older versions of the modules/skins.
03/20/15 05:46:42AM
2,584 posts

wonder search anomaly

Using Jamroom

I renamed a song "I wonder if you knew that I knew" and it shows up in my search.

Try checking for strange characters in that song's title, cna't think of anything else it could be.
03/19/15 04:05:28PM
2,584 posts

Microsoft News

Off Topic

Don't we all.
03/19/15 03:44:27PM
2,584 posts

Microsoft News

Off Topic

Bear in mind that they are just headlines and that neither are true.

Read the whole stories and factor in what you already know - I'm pretty sure you will come to the same conclusion.
03/18/15 12:53:09PM
2,584 posts

Change password verification

Using Jamroom

Ah okay! That must have been what was going on there then.

updated by @ultrajam: 03/18/15 12:55:20PM
03/18/15 12:33:19PM
2,584 posts

Change password verification

Using Jamroom

This is a report of a possible usability issue. I haven't had a problem myself, but have noticed this being a (minor) problem and source of confusion for 30% of my current new users.

Over the past couple of weeks I have made 10 profile admin logins for 10 different people (all first time jr users) and given each of them the password "changepassword".

I have told each of them (in person, not by email) that they should login and then change their passwords, which they all did right away.

Over the following days 3 people had a problem with their login. All 3 thought they had changed their password, but when I checked their passwords were still "changepassword".

They all remembered changing their password, but did not remember the verification which follows a password change. I hadn't told them that there was a verification after changing their password.

They are all bright people, and used to logging in and out of multiple systems daily. So I'm wondering if that verification could be more obvious, or perhaps a modal window so that they MUST verify or cancel after changing their passwords.

The current verification seems fine to me, and I doubt that it is any kind of bug, but the mild confusion seems significant enough to mention.
updated by @ultrajam: 04/19/15 09:52:13AM
03/18/15 09:59:41AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


You are passing in values $profile_latitude and $profile_longitude which are not numbers or mappable. If they contain a valid latitude and longitude the map and markers will appear.

Try this:
{if isset($_items)}

{foreach $_items as $key => $val}
  {$_items[$key].profile_googlemaps="address placeholder"}

{ujGoogleMaps_map module="jrProfile" name="testy" marker="infowindow" map=$_items height="300" width="100%" map_type="hybrid" }
03/18/15 07:06:04AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


Ok, so the code related to maps is working, the smarty override to populate your $_items array with mappable data is working as well.

If there is no difference between the code above and your code, the problem lies in your $profile_latitude and/or $profile_longitude data - the values that you are passing in are not mappable, so no map appears.
03/18/15 06:52:44AM
2,584 posts

How to remove links from profile_menu.tpl

Using Jamroom

A loop like a smarty foreach, section or while.