Forum Activity for @ultrajam

02/26/15 07:07:04AM
2,584 posts

Modifying create button url

Jamroom Developers

OK, thank you Brian :)
02/26/15 06:51:11AM
2,584 posts

Modifying create button url

Jamroom Developers

Yes, I need to pass the category of the current item into the new item.
02/26/15 06:09:05AM
2,584 posts

Modifying create button url

Jamroom Developers

In my module I need to add a parameter to the url jrCore_item_index_buttons create button.

So I try to "overwrite" the create button by registering the button like this:
    $_tmp = array(
        'title'  => 'create',
        'icon'   => 'plus',
        'active' => 'on',
        'group'  => 'owner'
    jrCore_register_module_feature('jrCore', 'item_index_button', 'myModule', 'myModule_item_create_button', $_tmp);

And I have the myModule_item_create_button function, so the button appears in the page, BUT it appears in addition to the original create button, not instead of.

Is there any way to add to the create button url?

updated by @ultrajam: 04/13/15 06:58:28AM
02/24/15 03:44:00PM
2,584 posts

Need A Little Help With Video Title In A Template

Using Jamroom

<div class="block_config">
    buttons are here
Copy the whole block_config div from your original template - that div should close and you need the button code in there.
02/24/15 10:52:25AM
2,584 posts

Need A Little Help With Video Title In A Template

Using Jamroom

It is the column constraining the width of the heading on your /drilling-ahead/video/albums/accident page.

So change the col-lg-3 to col-lg-8 and get rid of the last column (so that your grid still adds up to 12). You don't need to use "last" with bootstrap 3.

Also, you can remove the container div - bootstrap 3 is quite happy with rows within rows. That will give you extra space as well - the container is adding a second set of padding there. But since you need somewhere to put your buttons from the removed last column, try changing that class="container" to class="controls-enabler" and then add the buttons div class="block_config" before your first column. You will need an extra rule there for controls-enabler (it isn't part of bootstrap), probably something like this:
.controls-enabler {

So it would end up something like this:
<li data-id="81">
	<div class="item">
		<div class="controls-enabler">
			<div class="block_config">
				buttons are here
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-lg-1">
					<div class="p5">
				<div class="col-lg-8">
					<div class="p5">
						<h3>Title Here</h3>
				<div class="col-lg-3">
					<div class="p5">
						<span style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;">
							<ul class="star-rating">

updated by @ultrajam: 02/24/15 10:53:04AM
02/22/15 05:37:08PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

A select menu after the title field, choose video, youtube or vimeo. Onchange the fields below are switched to video, youtube or vimeo fields.

The list view is a jrSeamless of the three types.

User knows the videos/youtubes/vimeos are hosted in different places, but there is only one video create button and one video list.

I don't think it is important to be able to list videos hosted on different services separately (they are the same, just with different urls), but can see that some users would want to sell videos etc. So adding youtubes and vimeos to the videos list should be on a quota basis.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/22/15 05:38:20PM
02/21/15 04:11:27PM
2,584 posts

Question Regarding Seamless Module Function

Using Jamroom

michael:a single module that can take different video formats
That sounds like a good idea. Video is video is video.

Much like audio.
02/19/15 03:36:44PM
2,584 posts

forum posting issues

Ning To Jamroom

It's probably something you have edited.

When you say "get kicked to the use profile and dont", what do you actually mean?
02/19/15 03:10:51PM
2,584 posts

forum posting issues

Ning To Jamroom

You should see your replies.
02/19/15 02:34:11PM
2,584 posts

Brackets / Atom

Off Topic

Treble that!

I installed creative cloud and thought it was a good thing that the live mode worked all of a sudden. :)

But it takes 30 secs to figure it out and reload. I can refresh my browser much quicker than that. :(