Forum Activity for @ultrajam

03/01/15 05:40:56AM
2,584 posts

Emails for forum updates

Using Jamroom

I've just turned on topic notification for this thread, so post a response and I'll see if I get a notification.
03/01/15 04:39:33AM
2,584 posts

Emails for forum updates

Using Jamroom

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02/28/15 10:50:41AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


You should be using profile_googlemaps_lng and profile_googlemaps_lat, or change the values in your array. Without mappable data no map will show.

If you put the ujGoogleMaps_map function into the div class="col10 last" and pass in the $item do you see a map for each item?
Do you see Lat:{$item.profile_googlemaps_lat} Lng:{$item.profile_googlemaps_lng} ?
Temporarily try something like this and let me know what you see:
{if isset($_items)}

{ujGoogleMaps_map name="multimap" map=$_items module="jrProfile" height="500" width="100%" map_type="hybrid"} 

    {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
    <div class="item">

        <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col12 last">
                    <div class="p10">
                        <h3><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">{$item.profile_name}</h3><br>
                        {ujGoogleMaps_map name="singlemap" map=$item module="jrProfile" height="300" width="100%" map_type="hybrid"}
                        <h5>Lat:{$item.profile_googlemaps_lat} Lng:{$item.profile_googlemaps_lng}</h5>

Do you have a link to this page?
updated by @ultrajam: 02/28/15 10:56:44AM
02/27/15 04:26:12AM
2,584 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


Maps work very well on profiles. Try making a simple map on a profile before making a multi map.

If you dont see the map and you are sure that the mappable data is correct, verify that the smarty function is in the right template (add some text before the smarty function and check that it appears in the page where you expect it to). Also look at the page source and see what map javascript is added to the page. Paste it here if you can.

It doesn't matter if some profiles have map data and others don't.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/27/15 04:28:27AM
02/26/15 05:01:16PM
2,584 posts

What is a chapter (jrDocs)?

Jamroom Developers

I guess it's a section, just noticed it in the last jrDocs update.

Quote: - New: Top level chapter section is now sortable so the order of chapters can be re-arranged

Is it a new term?
updated by @ultrajam: 04/13/15 03:17:06PM
02/26/15 04:24:14PM
2,584 posts

Success/Notice css

Jamroom Developers

Warning: It's trivial!

When you disable a module and the page reloads, you are shown a success message and a notice message simultaneously. They are slightly different sizes, and once you see it (please don't try this at home), it can feel a bit odd.

The blue message should have a little more padding imo.
trivial-widths-difference.png trivial-widths-difference.png - 27KB

updated by @ultrajam: 04/06/15 10:24:27AM
02/26/15 12:27:33PM
2,584 posts

ldap authentication

Jamroom Developers

Thanks Brian, much appreciated, I'm sure that will help.
02/26/15 09:18:26AM
2,584 posts

ldap authentication

Jamroom Developers

I'm interested in authenticating visitors to the site with ldap and active directory.

Are there jamroom triggers in place which might help cope with that?

Has anyone already made a module to handle anything similar?
updated by @ultrajam: 04/06/15 06:59:55AM