Good Skin URL's
Design and Skin Customization
No im not referring to blog posts wich could be very inaccurate. I am referring to google webmaster central, webmasters tools guidlines and considerations.
Taken straight from the source.
Consider using punctuation in your URLs. The URL is much more useful to us than We recommend that you use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) in your URLs.
Wish these things were better implemented like better seo practices, skins, and styling, and opt ins, and landing pages, etc.....
The coding is great in jamroom, and all these little bug fixes that I've never really seem to see a problem anyway. Focus on these other areas!!! Please!!!!
Another perfecrt example would be the media pro light skin. There are about 10 different text colors going on, and most of them don't even flow with the style of the skin.
So i spend my days padding h1 tags, changing language strings, changing text colors, text link colors, text hover colors, renaming menu items, and so on and so on, for the last 8 years. Its a never ending obstacle.
Thats a huge waste of time for the end user. Our time should be spent marketing, promoting, advertising, and publishing good content.
I hope to see this some day.