Forum Activity for @hawkenterprising

04/16/19 03:50:04PM
5 posts

Admin account can't create any chatrooms, no "Public" chatroom option, can't create/select default chatroom.

Using Jamroom

Okay. We didn't do any personal skin customizations yet, currently using Elastic 2, version 2.0.14.
Blank skin was unusable period (made it worse).
The following skins had the same results as E2, for both Admin and users: The Post, Lucid, Maestro 4, MSkinX, Follow Me, and Fan Club. :-(
Any other suggestions I can try?
04/15/19 01:32:42PM
5 posts

Admin account can't create any chatrooms, no "Public" chatroom option, can't create/select default chatroom.

Using Jamroom

Greetings. We've been trying to use Jamroom as our private Intranet, and we're slowly muddling through. We have about 50+ volunteers across multiple continents (plus various partners), so hopefully Jamroom will solve some communication challenges.
One of the biggest struggles we're still having is with the Simple Chat.
The JR Admin account can't create any chatrooms. Is this normal?
We wanted to create a default chatroom that everyone automatically joins, unless they select from the list of other chatrooms.
We tried following the instructions here:
and here:
We've tried with both Chromium and Firefox.
But there is no "public" option to check or uncheck. Even when we temporarily switch the entire site to "public" still didn't see such an option.
So, the admin can't select a default chatroom.
Only regular users can create chatrooms, but no public option.
Any ideas what is wrong with our setup?
System Core 6.2.0
SimpleChat 1.3.2
Ubuntu 16.04.6
To be clear, we don't actually want a truly public chatroom, we want a default chatroom that all Intranet users (with the site set to completely private users only), automatically end up in unless they select a different chatroom. Right now, every time we add a new user account, even with the same profiles as everyone else, we then have to have someone manually add them to what we're using for now as the "Default Everyone Chatroom", but it isn't really the use case we're hoping for.

Appreciate any guidance. Thanks!
Jamroom-onlly-regular-users-can-create-chatroom-but-no-public-option-to-select.jpg Jamroom-onlly-regular-users-can-create-chatroom-but-no-public-option-to-select.jpg - 306KB

updated by @hawkenterprising: 07/16/19 12:44:48PM
01/23/19 01:54:21AM
5 posts

What is correct syntax for Event Calendar Event_recurring field? (SOLVED)

Using Jamroom

Okay. I disabled. Uninstalled. Then re-installed, and enabled the Event Calendar module. Then once again enabled the recurring fields. Now where it was empty field for Event_recurring, I now see a select menu with different options That wasn't there before. Not sure why. Now it is working. I had run a site wide integrity check yesterday. Any ideas why that was scrambled until I reinstalled the module? I'm brand new to JR. Thanks!
01/23/19 01:51:54AM
5 posts

What is correct syntax for Event Calendar Event_recurring field? (SOLVED)

Using Jamroom

Yes, I did enable the fields recurring even and recurring end date fields as per those instructions.
Event End Day is not enabled in this instance.
But what is a valid entry for the Event_recurring field for something I wish to repeat every week on the same day of the week? Week? Weekly? What about something like the third Friday of each month, what would that syntax be? Or is that outside of the scope of this feature?
01/22/19 11:06:00PM
5 posts

What is correct syntax for Event Calendar Event_recurring field? (SOLVED)

Using Jamroom

Greetings. I enabled the recurring event feature of the Calendar Event module. But when I create a new event, I cannot seem to add such an event. I suspect because I do not know what the appropriate keywords in the Event_recurring field should be. I couldn't find a guide in the documentation
Appreciate any help. Thanks!

updated by @hawkenterprising: 04/26/19 06:04:45AM