Forum Activity for @starone

05/01/14 01:54:24PM
51 posts

Getting a DB error when selecting the artist tab

Installation and Configuration

Let me take a look and see what it looks like. I have never touched that template. You can see the error here:
updated by @starone: 05/01/14 01:55:25PM
05/01/14 01:31:57PM
51 posts

Getting a DB error when selecting the artist tab

Installation and Configuration

Not really, just a couple minor things in the header and footer but nothing that would effect that portion of the templates I would think. Which template is handling those artist buttons in particular?
05/01/14 01:10:44PM
51 posts

Getting a DB error when selecting the artist tab

Installation and Configuration

I am using jrNova-release-1.2.3

05/01/14 11:56:30AM
51 posts

A Couple of Questions..

Installation and Configuration

I have a few questions that I will just combine in this post.

1) I have installed the Super Pack - How do you add songs to artist profiles? I saw the video on this but I don't see the button to upload any files. Is this separate module that is not included in the Super pack?

2) I want to edit and add to the site news, where I can I do this?

3) Is there a way that an artists profile can be sent out in an email as an EPK?

That's about it for now. I appreciate your patience as I learn this platform. :)
updated by @starone: 06/07/14 07:37:45PM
05/01/14 11:43:30AM
51 posts

Getting a DB error when selecting the artist tab

Installation and Configuration

Instead of showing the tabs Artists by Name and Top Artists, I get the following error: error: invalid order direction received for - must be one of: ASC, DESC, NUMERICAL_ASC, NUMERICAL_DESC, RANDOM

Please advise.
updated by @starone: 06/20/14 12:51:23PM
04/30/14 06:00:26PM
51 posts

Changing the Ad Banner

Using Jamroom

How can I change the Jamroom Ad Banner to my own? I looked in the templates section and was not sure where to edit it.

updated by @starone: 06/18/14 10:09:22AM
04/30/14 11:38:09AM
51 posts

How to Install the Super Pack

Jamroom Developers

I am having difficulty figuring out how to install the super bundle. I have entered in the email and license info through the admin panel but when I go to the marketplace tab it does not give me a install button only purchase.

Am I not in the right area to install?
updated by @starone: 06/04/14 07:38:19AM
04/30/14 11:26:18AM
51 posts

Have Purchased the Super Bundle, Now What?

Using Jamroom

All it gives me an option to do is to purchase, but I have already paid and entered the license.. how can I install?

I have filled in the information as to the Unique Marketplace ID, URL for the Marketplace page and the my email and license number.
updated by @starone: 04/30/14 11:32:49AM