Forum Activity for @mysong

07/15/14 09:08:08AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Regarding allowing votes to influence item order...

From @brian

Yeah what you want to do here is just add an extra order_by parameter - you can have as many as you want. So in the jrCore_list call that you want to order by rating, change this:

order_by="audio_rating_total_count numerical_desc"


order_by1="audio_rating_overall_average numerical_desc" order_by2="audio_rating_overall_count numerical_desc"

Which will then order by average, and then count.
07/15/14 09:06:29AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Issue with votes not counting was resolved with JRAudio update 1.1.4
07/15/14 06:59:21AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Guys I guess I spoke too soon, moving to advance things before testing the basics. Now I see I can not even get multiple natural rankings to work. I tried ranking the same song from a few proxies and even a different location but it just remains as one vote and rating changes according to last rating given.

Will start a ticket so I can send url's. If we find a solution we can add it to this thread to benefit other JR site admins.

07/14/14 12:09:46PM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Refreshed both browser and site cache, still showing in original position.

Here is the data for the song

audio_active: on
audio_album: Green Cans
audio_album_url: green-cans
audio_bundle_only: off
audio_display_order: 7
audio_file_album: Green Cans
audio_file_bitrate: 128
audio_file_date: 2014
audio_file_extension: mp3
audio_file_genre: Other
audio_file_item_bundle: 10
audio_file_item_price: 1.50
audio_file_length: 00:03:32
audio_file_name: jrAudio_72_audio_file.mp3
audio_file_original_bitrate: 256
audio_file_original_extension: mp3
audio_file_original_name: 08 High Land.mp3
audio_file_original_size: 6801392
audio_file_original_time: 06/22/14 02:53:25PM
audio_file_original_type: audio/mpeg
audio_file_sample_length: 106
audio_file_size: 3403185
audio_file_smprate: 44100
audio_file_stream_count: 1
audio_file_time: 06/22/14 02:56:52PM
audio_file_title: High Land
audio_file_track: 8
audio_file_type: audio/mpeg
audio_genre: Other
audio_genre_url: other
audio_image_extension: jpg
audio_image_height: 350
audio_image_name: green-cans.jpg
audio_image_size: 133331
audio_image_time: 06/22/14 02:53:25PM
audio_image_type: image/jpeg
audio_image_width: 350
audio_pending: 0
audio_rating_1_1: 0
audio_rating_1_2: 0
audio_rating_1_3: 0
audio_rating_1_4: 0
audio_rating_1_5: 20
audio_rating_1_average_count: 5
audio_rating_1_count: 20
audio_rating_overall_average_count: 5
audio_rating_overall_count: 20
audio_title: High Land
audio_title_url: high-land
07/14/14 08:39:28AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Using the datastore of JRAudio I manipulated a song to have a 5 star rating with 20 votes, yet in list it is showing in original position under songs that have only one vote. Assuming we would want to manipulate that as well is there a different place where data had to be changed for this has to happen?

07/14/14 07:46:38AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Thanks that should work.

Once we are dealing with ratings one more question...

When songs or items are listed by rating does the amount of votes make a difference. For example if one song was rated 5 stars by 2 votes and another song was rated 5 stars by 20 people. Will the 20 vote 5 star song rise above the first one or does it not make a difference? If it does not make a difference then what determines the order for items/songs that have the same rating?

07/14/14 07:08:07AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Yes just double checked, cleared browser cache but rating still showing as 4.

07/14/14 05:47:05AM
155 posts

Manipulating Ratings

Using Jamroom

Since it can be easy for a user to manipulating ratings via a series of proxies, trying to find a way to revert such attempts.

Assuming this can be done through the JRrating data browser...

I went to a song that was never rated yet and gave it 4 stars.
Then I went to datastore and found the info for that rating. I changed the rating_value tag from 4 to 3. Went and refreshed Template and Database Caches. On datastore info remains '3' but on front end the item continues to display 4 stars.

Now I went a step further and deleted that entire 'rating_data:' snipt from datastore, reset caches but on front end item continues to display 4 stars.

Any idea?

updated by @mysong: 08/14/14 08:42:55PM
07/14/14 05:22:19AM
155 posts

Rating - Actions

Using Jamroom

What is the use of the 'Allow actions' check box in 'global settings' - "If checked, ratings will be actioned"?


updated by @mysong: 08/16/14 10:25:58AM
06/09/14 10:49:11AM
155 posts

Convert mp3 to 128 kbps for onsite player but allow original 256 kbps for download and sale

Using Jamroom

Should the same apply to downloads, when enabled. That user should get original file as opposed to converted version?
