Forum Activity for @maxcinsay

03/18/14 01:33:38PM
60 posts

Profile fields depending on quota

Using Jamroom

I just updated Jamroom and it works as you said it, thanks!
03/18/14 09:04:15AM
60 posts

Profile fields depending on quota

Using Jamroom

Hello Brian,

I was in the right place but I have not updated Jamroom, I'll update it tonight .

Thanks a lot!

03/17/14 03:15:16PM
60 posts

Profile fields depending on quota

Using Jamroom

I might be in the wrong place, I can't pick more than one option (I tried command as I has done it before) and it says "Group" instead of "Display Groups". Im going to keep browsing around
03/17/14 03:09:59PM
60 posts

Profile fields depending on quota

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian, this is exactly what I was looking for. I got the form and only got the "Group" option where I can only select one of them :( Am I in the wrong place? Thanks
03/17/14 02:38:45PM
60 posts

Profile fields depending on quota

Using Jamroom

After login in I go to: Profiles -> User Profiles -> Tools -> Browse user profiles -> Modify (one of the profiles shown) -> Form Designer.

Then on that screen I can only choose between profile/settings and profile/create.

In profile settings I can see the fields I would like to assign to different quotas.

Could you help me in a king of walk through? Thank you
03/17/14 02:24:48PM
60 posts

Profile fields depending on quota

Using Jamroom

How can I define the fields that I would like to request each user to fill in their profile depending on the quota they belong to.

For example in our website we have a quota for venues and we want them to be able to add the business hours when editing their profile, but we do not want the artists to have that field available for input.

Is there a way to accomplish this? I go to the form designer but not sure if the changes are affecting one or more quotas.
updated by @maxcinsay: 04/27/14 01:25:56AM
03/04/14 12:19:29PM
60 posts

Persistent Music Player - Responsive Design - Jamroom 5

Design and Skin Customization

Hello @Ekwe, thanks and for sure I could give it a try, shoot me an email to: max[@]maxcabrera[.]com

@b360 Thank you!
03/03/14 10:21:36AM
60 posts

Persistent Music Player - Responsive Design - Jamroom 5

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks @Brian, you are your team helped me a lot to get it up and running.
02/28/14 12:38:03PM
60 posts

Persistent Music Player - Responsive Design - Jamroom 5

Design and Skin Customization

Hello everybody, I just wanted to show you the website I have been working on Powered by Jamroom5, it has a persistent player for all the website and some other cool features. I created this website working as Front End developer for Cinsay Inc.

Thanks and all feedback is welcome,

updated by @maxcinsay: 04/04/14 08:24:32AM
02/21/14 10:05:50AM
60 posts

FoxyCart for paid subscriptions

Jamroom Developers

Alright, I'll check the settings again and let people know what I missed. Thanks