Forum Activity for @luis789

06/14/17 06:29:07AM
96 posts

Hosted uploading videos issues

Design and Skin Customization

Hello Micheal. .thanks for the feedback.
The verify video found 25 local uploaded videos. When I checked in the Queue Viewer, it is empty.

This error is fixed. There was a typo error in the site builder.

This is what I have in the .taccess file
# Jamroom 5 Apache .htaccess file
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php sitemap.xml modules/jrCore/router.php

Options +FollowSymLinks
Options -MultiViews -Indexes

# Use ETags
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header unset ETag
FileETag None
# Expires for CSS, JS and Images
<FilesMatch ".(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$">
Header set Expires "Thu, 15 Apr 2018 20:00:00 GMT"

# Compress everything we can
<IfModule mod_filter.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript text/javascript-x application/javascript

# All requests through the router
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ modules/jrCore/router.php?_uri=$1 [NC,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]


# php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit
# This domain inherits the “PHP” package.
# php -- END cPanel-generated handler, do not edit

Thank You
updated by @luis789: 06/14/17 06:32:02AM
06/13/17 10:48:58PM
96 posts

Hosted uploading videos issues

Design and Skin Customization

After upgrading to Jamroom 6.1 beta version the issue got worse.
Before the upgrade I was able to play the uploaded videos from an Idevice or android phone. From a PC in only worked on Internet explorer. Somehow it fail to play on google chrome.
After the update, the uploaded videos do not play any where including the idevices and Androids. From a PC it does not play on Internet explorer 11 either.
When clicked in the video Icon the below message is displayed:
"An error was encountered loading the media URL" when clicked okay, nothing happens.
In the system log, the below message is displaying.
404 Page not found: /modules/jrCore/router.php?_uri=eddy-albacura/video
Also performed the :
ACP -> Profiles -> Video -> Tools and run the "Verify Video Files" with no luck.
Do You have any suggestions?
06/13/17 01:44:21PM
96 posts

Hosted uploading videos issues

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks for the update.. I forgot to mention that on iDevices the uploaded Video plays fine. The problem is when playing from a PC using Google chrome. With IE 11 works fine. I had not tried with other browser.
I'll update Jamroom to 6.1 beta tonight and let you know if the problem got fixed.
Thank You
06/13/17 07:39:44AM
96 posts

Hosted uploading videos issues

Design and Skin Customization

Hello Michel and thanks for Your feedback.
I'm not using the Jamroom 6.1. I'm using the stable version 6.0.7
Will updating to 6.1 beta fix the issue?
Below is the link so you can see what I meant.

Thank You.
06/12/17 11:28:48AM
96 posts

Videos Not Playing on Desktop - Video Pro Skin

Installation and Configuration

Im having the same issues..
In a secure website ( https://) the videos are only playing on androids. On regular pc it will not play.
ON a regular website(not secure http://) the hosted videos do not play at all. I had tested with all the skins and the issues are the same.
06/12/17 07:27:41AM
96 posts

Hosted uploading videos issues

Design and Skin Customization

Hello all!
I'm wondering if anybody is having issues with local hosting(uploaded videos)?
On my none https:// site the local hosted videos are not playing at all. I have changed to other skins, players with no luck. It only shows the player, but no video image.
If anybody of you have seen similar issues, please let me know how you fix it. I also had updated jamroom and its modules to the latest stable version and the videos local hosted videos are not working at all. The local hosted audio is working fine.

Thank You
updated by @luis789: 09/13/17 07:35:08AM
02/10/17 12:49:10PM
96 posts

Profile Index forwarding based on Log In status

Design and Skin Customization

I have modified the "Default Profile Index" for artist. That part is working fine as expected.

When a visitor clicks in the artist it takes to the "Default Profile index" which is what I wanted.

The problem is when the profile owner logins the system defaults to the same "Default Profile Index" for any user owner. What I'm hopping to accomplish is that. When a users logs in to default to the "Timeline" instead of the "Default Profile Index".
Is it possible? how can this be done?
I tried using the Profile Tweaks based on profile quote, but it does not works. Somehow the profile Tweaks keeps defaulting the to the Profile Index. No matter what skin is being used or what Default Profile Index is selected.

So the best way will be to: Automatically default to "Timeline" when the users log in. For visitor I will prefer to point to the Default Profile index based on "Qoutes" that is configured on Profile Tweaks, but some how the module is not working either.

updated by @luis789: 05/12/17 05:59:57PM
09/22/16 06:05:06AM
96 posts

Comments Section cropped and Time line section too big - Beat Slinger

Design and Skin Customization

Hello Douglas!
You're absolute right. After turning off the Editor, I'm able to post comments and it works fine including the reply to comments.
So defensively there is a conflict between the Editor and the Template since it is only happening with this template. I tested with media pro and nova skin and the comment editor worked fine.
Once minor issue that I found after turning off the editor. When the comment entered by the firs time the "Post" Button works. When you reply to the posted comment the "Post" Button is gray out, but clicking the entered command key, the comments gets posted automatically. I guess its a minor issue.
test.PNG.png test.PNG.png - 170KB

updated by @luis789: 09/22/16 06:16:26AM
09/21/16 08:01:18AM
96 posts

Profiles missing after migration from Jamroom 4 to 5

Using Jamroom

Hello.. this is just a question...
I had just noticed that some parts of the profiles did not get migrated.
For example..
I found two profiles that, it only got migrated the audio in the audio page, but If I click in the profile link I receive an error page not found.
Is there a way to fix that?
Or a new profile has to be created?
Thank You
updated by @luis789: 01/13/17 10:10:14AM
09/21/16 07:53:58AM
96 posts

Comments Section cropped and Time line section too big - Beat Slinger

Design and Skin Customization

After upgrading the the newest release the "Post" button is not showing, but not working. When posting a comment and after clicking in the "Post"get the below message "You forgot to enter a comment". This could be a string language.. not a big deal to fix, but the comments do not show anywhere.

Do you have any ideas ?

The problem seems to be that it is not registering in the database