Forum Activity for @slavebell

09/03/14 06:00:11PM
3 posts

I need someone someone to customize my jr 5 template

Design and Skin Customization

I'm sorry if i shouldn't post here. I didn't know where...

Anyway i got jr 4 site with custom template and everything

I have now installed jr 5 (on new server), bought every module i need, installed everything, imported everything...

So all i need is someone who will make my new jr5 site looks like my old jr 4 site.

I will pay you ofcourse

So anyone intrested pls pm me or emal at

Thank You
updated by @slavebell: 10/06/14 07:33:43AM
04/20/14 09:22:13AM
3 posts

Jamroom upgrade/import service question

Installation and Configuration

Oh ok.
Should i customize skin first or import jr4?

Btw if someone can adjust (and "install" my jr4 skin to jr5 pls contact me at
04/18/14 07:22:44PM
3 posts

Jamroom upgrade/import service question

Installation and Configuration

Is this service only for importing files/members or will you "import" my (custom) design to?
updated by @slavebell: 05/26/14 06:54:43PM