Forum Activity for @perfectgamestudios

11/11/18 03:15:04PM
106 posts

Error: unable to copy modules/jrFollower/templates/button_pending.tpl to template cache directory: data/cache/jrCore

Installation and Configuration

I not sure how your server has PHP setup so if you are using either fast cgi or suexec you will want to make sure the files are 644 and 755 for directory.

or if you are using PHP as mod_php then you will want to use chmod as 777 for folders and 644 for files.

If these are not the issues you can try the following commands.

Just edit the $user and $group to the correct user and group for your server.

I have also added verbose so you can see the results, you can also pipe this to log file using &> output.txt.

find /home/$user/public_html -type d -exec chmod --verbose 755 {} \;

find /home/$user/public_html -type f -exec chmod --verbose 644 {} \;

chown --verbose -R $user:$group /home/$user/public_html/*

Kind Regards

Stephen Bishop
01/06/17 12:06:55AM
106 posts

Developing Modules

Jamroom Developers

yes I know Brian,
thanks for the heads up too as right now I trying to rewrite an Joomla extension I made while back for video which involves more then just ffmpeg but ffmpeg is a big part of it.
I have managed to prototype some ideas as the project is mainly for one of our clients which is really big in the music industry
as our goal right now is to move his current site over to jamroom.
as we plan to write at least 2 modules unless I try build the system as single module
because the streaming system uses gstreamer with our own custom c++ excusable with lets us first create public and private UUID keys which can be used by broadcasting software such as open broadcaster and our code will then pipe the live stream through ffmpeg and create video file currently uses mp4, ogg which can be used on the video module of ours to let users watch previous shows.

as for the video on our current module we currently use ffmpeg but also neroenc, gpac, qt-faststart, flvtool2 and yamdi

So I take it we can no longer sell on Jamroom as I do have some of my own modules I have developed for my clients since Jamroom 5 was in beta as I currently trying to redo my main webpage right now too so can support my own client base better.

do you know if there a way we could add our own system too the marketplace like you do here for our own clients where they can receive updates though Jamroom or can we only just distribute zips as in Joomla I use to have my own update server where they could receive updates though the joomla update system using my own xml update server where it would also check my client license key to that I had on file for there purchase.

many thanks

Stephen Bishop
01/01/17 12:34:30AM
106 posts

Developing Modules

Jamroom Developers

I also thinking of releasing them all here too as I currently have few modules in development for video professionals from steaming, broadcasting etc as well release my own version of ffmpeg and my own custom tools that do rely on ffmpeg to capture the source to reupload the file during broadcast by giving each user there own public and private keys for the server

01/01/17 12:31:47AM
106 posts

Developing Modules

Jamroom Developers

Hello I been working on some new modules for my Jamroom site,
the only question I do have is that do we have to use 2 letter prefix for the naming or can it be anything as rather not conflict with any other developers here use the marketplace like using my company name ds meaning dazzle software like dsVideoPro

many thanks

updated by @perfectgamestudios: 04/09/17 05:05:49PM
12/13/16 03:05:27AM
106 posts

Jamroom upload stuck at 512M

Installation and Configuration

Here an better example here is Jamroom version

and here is the one I converted myself

using the following example for converting video

ffmpeg -i [INPUT] -s 1920x1080 -aspect 1920:1080 -r 30000/1001 -b 1550k -bt 1792k -vcodec libx264 -pass 1 -vpre fastfirstpass -an [OUTPUT].mp4 && ffmpeg -y -i [INPUT] -s 1920x1080 -aspect 1920:1080 -r 30000/1001 -b 1550k -bt 1792k -vcodec libx264 -pass 2 -vpre hq -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k [OUTPUT].mp4

as what Jamroom outputs right now is SD not even HD
12/12/16 08:41:23PM
106 posts

Jamroom upload stuck at 512M

Installation and Configuration

I Will get that video for you sometime tomorrow but I know for true hd running 2 pass seems to work better I do have my old code I use to run before as I use to run mp4box too maybe we could add option to run our own ffmpeg and commands
12/11/16 12:13:34PM
106 posts

Jamroom upload stuck at 512M

Installation and Configuration

Here is a image I attached that you can see the compare of vimeo converted file vs Jamroom converted file
Jamroom Video Compare.png Jamroom Video Compare.png - 1.5MB
12/11/16 12:09:48PM
106 posts

Jamroom upload stuck at 512M

Installation and Configuration

yea I figured it out seems that cpanel has made some changes as I do have 64 gig on my 2 servers as right now trying use jamroom for client that I have. as I ended up scanning the source code as for some reason when I use 2048M on all those values sets the upload to 1 gig.

also another note can jamroom do real hd video or am I going to need to write my own video module for this as the quality of the video I did for testing is no way hd quality video.

as I thinking I going too need to rewrite the video module for 2 pass and compile my own ffmpeg since the encode you have for ffmpeg seems very limited and no way its designed for hd and for streaming quality of that quality that vimeo and other hd video sites provide

here is my test video

as I wrote my own video system last year and that had the quality of hd which was almost identical of the original video but streams perfect as I trying to redo all my sites for the cloud eventually as I did buy the 5 license system last night so I can start porting my Joomla sites over to Jamroom 6.x

12/10/16 06:06:34PM
106 posts

Jamroom upload stuck at 512M

Installation and Configuration

Hello not sure if this is hard coded in jamroom someplace as everything was fine before but now uploads are stuck at 512M even when I check phpinfo page is does show 4096M but in jamroom it still shows 512 no matter what I do I have also checked integrity check and quota but still no change
updated by @perfectgamestudios: 03/13/17 01:54:14PM
09/19/16 02:48:00AM
106 posts

database cleanup

Installation and Configuration

Hello I was going over my database trying cleanup everything before relaunching my site later this month but over the year and also during when Jamroom 5 was alpha I did try out alot of addons which I no longer use but I do notice there are still tables for these.

is there a tool for clean-up these redundant tables or this a matter of using phpmyadmin and delete the tables I not using and settings fields for old templates that are no longer in the table
updated by @perfectgamestudios: 12/18/16 04:25:42PM