Cumulative likes on posts
Jamroom Developers
Well this is what shares things in the feedback.tpl
Im just wanting to keep the original item's feedback and not create new posts with all new feedback lists. If the item gets shared and then liked, the likes dont appear on the original item at this point. I feel like what i'm trying to do should be the simpler way to do it as it doesnt create a new post, new likes, new ratings, new share count.
{if isset($disable_share)}
{jrCore_lang module="jrAction" id=35 default="You have Shared this with your Followers" assign="title"}
{jrCore_image image="share_disabled.png" width=24 height=24 class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}
{elseif !isset($item.action_shared)}
{$share_id = $item_id}
{$share_module = $module}
{if isset($item.action_original_item_id) && is_numeric($item.action_original_item_id)}
{$share_id = $item.action_original_item_id}
{$share_module = $item.action_original_module}
{if $share_module == 'jrComment' && is_array($item.action_original_data)}
{$share_module = $item.action_original_data.comment_module}
{$share_id = $item.action_original_data.comment_item_id}
{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
{jrCore_lang module="jrAction" id=34 default="Share This with your Followers" assign="title"}
{jrCore_image image="share.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}