Just want to confirm OneAll login behavior for imported JR accounts
Using Jamroom
I understand this, but please be prepared to have issues with OneAll as well - anytime you link up with FB in any way, there
will be issues. FB as a "platform" is just too big, and too unstable to be problem free. So just be prepared that:
- sometimes you will not get an email address for a user, even though one is configured in their FB account
- sometimes you will not get an image, even though they have a user image on FB
These are not even issues with OneAll, but are due to the security settings on FB's end. FB has added/modified/changed the security settings so many times, that many (I'd say the majority) of Facebook accounts have not been updated/modified, so they are "stuck" on old config's for their user accounts.
So just a heads up
Yeah no problemo. I don't care about the image part, users can re-upload. OK so if it creates a duplicate account/profile what are the steps to correct?
What email will JR5 use then, if FB/OneAll sees the email account, but still creates a new profile/account on the JR5 side?
Just want to wrap my head around the behavior so I know what to do to fix it. I'm assuming in the scenario above, they may not ever be able to use FB to authenticate, if it keeps doing the same thing?
Or, would Linking the account be the answer? Like, link the newly created account to the the existing profile? That might be confusing for the user though.
Just thinking out loud.