Forum Activity for @ilovehousemusic

03/18/14 04:14:46PM
517 posts

Tag Limit?

Using Jamroom

OK cool. Thank you!
03/18/14 01:51:19PM
517 posts

Tag Creation @ item create/update form


Bah - no worries - I'll close this out. Thanks!
03/18/14 01:50:36PM
517 posts

jrElastic should include adding a simple ranking for SoundCloud and Youtube


Makes sense. OK i can build that off other skins I have I suppose. Thanks!
03/18/14 01:48:40PM
517 posts

Tag Limit?

Using Jamroom

I see limits for
- # of words per tag
- # of characters per tag

But no limit for # of tags (words) per item?

I have the profile limits module, and there is no option to limit the tag module daily limit.

Is there a plan for that?

Trying to limit the number of tags for any item to (say) 20. I just don't want that to get out of hand...
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 04/17/14 10:35:40PM
03/18/14 01:40:42PM
517 posts

Quick OneAll question

Using Jamroom

@brian - perfect! Thank you very much!
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 03/18/14 01:40:56PM
03/18/14 01:32:27PM
517 posts

Quick OneAll question

Using Jamroom

Scenario - site only has "Member" quota right now. And it's the default signup quota.

If I uncheck "allowed access" to OneAll for Member Quota, that will only remove the "Networks" tab from the Account Settings, correct?

A perspective member will still be allowed to signup for the quota, using the OneAll module, correct?

Site is in Maintenance Mode, and just want to verify that before I launch it. Thanks!

updated by @ilovehousemusic: 04/26/14 12:18:39AM
03/18/14 01:23:26PM
517 posts

jrElastic should include adding a simple ranking for SoundCloud and Youtube


Just wondering if you could include a simple ranking for SoundCloud and Youtube on jrElastic?
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 04/19/14 10:02:55AM
03/17/14 02:03:42PM
517 posts

Tag Creation @ item create/update form


Take a look at how tagging works on the major services.

May I ask which ones you're referring to?

My frame of reference is SoundCloud (owner tags items only) But, I see what you're saying and it does make more sense.
03/17/14 10:16:07AM
517 posts

Tag Creation @ item create/update form


As an example, on SoundCloud - I can't just go and tag someone else's music with tags I feel are appropriate. They might consider that not even related. What's "funky" to me might not be "funky" to someone else.
03/17/14 10:11:42AM
517 posts

Tag Creation @ item create/update form


Hmmm ok I suppose I could remove it for the basic member quota, but then they wont be able to tag content that I've configured them to upload/import (youtube, photos, etc)

I think it would be more intuitive to allow tagging from the item owner and admins. It just seems more "normal".

I guess another way to resolve that would be a granular configuration of what quota can be "allowed to add tags" and then a way to specify what modules they can add tags to (audio, video, blogs, etc)
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 03/17/14 10:13:21AM