Forum Activity for @ilovehousemusic

03/19/14 07:00:56AM
517 posts

Soundcloud Image coming from non-SSL site - certificate warning

Installation and Configuration

Did a soft launch of last night and had people report Android SSL certificate warning.

Is there another aspect of HTTPS/SSL setup that addresses this? Or is this to be expected from Android phones? I did a quick read of this doc:

And also made sure I have the code to force HTTPS .htaccess based on this article:

Lastly, wondering if anyone else out there with SSL enabled JR5 sites have heard similar reports of Android viewers w/ the same experience, and what you did to rectify it.

Thank you!

EDIT: Topic title updated.
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 04/24/14 08:15:04PM
03/18/14 08:37:57PM
517 posts

Friends/Followers posting to a friend's/follower's timeline

Using Jamroom

Should a friend/follower be able to post a comment or 'status' update on another friend/follower's timeline? Similar to Facebook? Not sure if that's ever been asked here....
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 04/21/14 04:29:59PM
03/18/14 07:44:02PM
517 posts

Soft Launch / Beta Test my new site please.

Off Topic

Would be great if you could create an account and have a look. Thanks for your support guys!
Tell me if anything is broken. Thanks!
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 05/05/14 02:02:46AM
03/18/14 06:41:00PM
517 posts

jrElastic should include adding a simple ranking for SoundCloud and Youtube


AH! Ran a debug, and didn't see soundcloud_image. Removed it. It works.

"I see" said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 03/18/14 06:41:25PM
03/18/14 06:34:22PM
517 posts

jrElastic should include adding a simple ranking for SoundCloud and Youtube


I think I have this wrong: require_image="soundcloud_image"

I also tried "jrSoundCloud_image"
03/18/14 06:30:07PM
517 posts

jrElastic should include adding a simple ranking for SoundCloud and Youtube


@paul, @brian - can you assist if I show you what I have so far?

So, Elastic > index.tpl looks like this for the SoundCloud div:
            <div class="block">
                <div class="title"><h2>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="11" default="newest"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="13" default="audio"}</h2></div>
                <div class="block_content">
                    <div class="item">
                        {jrCore_list module="jrSoundCloud" order_by="_created desc" template="index_list_soundcloud.tpl" limit="5" require_image="soundcloud_image"}
                    </div>{jrCore_module_url module="jrSoundCloud" assign="audio_murl"}
                    <div class="normal right"><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$audio_murl}">{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="23" default="see all"}&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div>

Then the index_list_soundcloud.tpl looks like this:

{jrCore_module_url module="jrSoundCloud" assign="murl"}
{if isset($_items)}
  {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
  <div style="display:table">
      <div style="display:table-cell">
          <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.soundcloud_title_url}"><img src="{$item.soundcloud_artwork_url}" class="iloutline img_scale"></a>
      <div class="p5" style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle">
          <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.soundcloud_title_url}">{$item.soundcloud_title}</a>

But on the index page, I'm not seeing any results.
03/18/14 04:17:22PM
517 posts

Custom Playlist Button Not Working Properly

Design and Skin Customization

Can't you (Jamroom) just add that image to the "images" tab of the playlist module?
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 03/18/14 04:18:09PM