Name of Database Tables for users
Design and Skin Customization
The users are all in a datastore, same with the audio module. So the best way to get access to the data in the templates is via
{jrCore_list module="jrUser" .........}
$_sp = array(
'search' => array(
"user_email = {$_post['q']}"
'return_keys' => array('_user_id', '_profile_id', '_updated', 'user_name', 'user_first_name', 'user_last_name', 'user_image_time', 'user_image_extension'),
'limit' => 1
$_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('jrUser', $_sp);
A datastore is split over 2 tables the key and the item, so you'll find all the info at: