Forum Activity for @michael

01/23/24 01:12:44AM
7,715 posts

Graphs in Jamroom

Design and Skin Customization

Here's the example from the "Daily Active Users" graph:
In the _init() function
    // Graph Support
    $_tmp = array(
        'title'    => 'Daily Active Users',
        'function' => 'jrUser_graph_daily_active_users',
        'group'    => 'admin'
    jrCore_register_module_feature('jrGraph', 'graph_config', 'jrUser', 'daily_active_users', $_tmp);
The title and the function are defined.

Then the structure for the data set is setup in that function:
 * Daily Active Users
 * @param $module string Module
 * @param $name string Name of Graph to create
 * @param $_args array Passed in Parameters
 * @return array
function jrUser_graph_daily_active_users($module, $name, $_args)
{ $dys = (int) $_args['days']; $old = (time() - ($dys * 86400)); $old = jrCore_format_time($old, false, '%Y%m%d'); return array( '_sets' => array( 0 => array( 'label' => "Daily Active Users", 'date_format' => '%m/%d/%Y', 'minTickSize' => "[1, 'day']", 'type' => 'line', 'pointRadius' => 3, '_data' => jrCore_get_graph_stat_values('jrUser', 'active_users', 'daily', $old) ) ) ); }

Then it can be turned on in the dashboard.

The graphing module is Flot, its docs are here
daily.jpg daily.jpg - 23KB
01/21/24 05:45:16PM
7,715 posts

PHP fatal error

Jamroom Hosting

are you using an over-ridden search template:

is there a file at /skins/jrElastic2//jrSearch_search_results.tpl ?

If you are then look for somewhere in there that has a line like this:
 {if count($results) > 0}
and change it to:
 {if is_array($results) && count($results) > 0}

That change already exists in the base file that I think you have over-ridden. The base file is found at:

It could also be that you have it over-ridden via the templates editor so check at:
override.jpg override.jpg - 607KB
01/17/24 01:33:13AM
7,715 posts

Paged list of filtered users

Jamroom Developers

Then the table pager goes something like this:

$_users = get_tigs_users();
$pagebreak = jrCore_get_pager_rows();
$page = 1;
if (isset($_post['p']) && jrCore_checktype($_post['p'], 'number_nz')) {
    $page = (int) $_post['p'];
$tcn  = count($_users);
$_usr = array_slice($_users, (($page - 1) * $pagebreak), $pagebreak, true);

$dat = array();
$dat[1]['title'] = 'User name';

foreach ($_usr as $_us) {
    $dat             = array();
    $dat[1]['title'] = $_us['user_name'];
    // how ever many cols here.....
$tpg = ceil($tcn / $pagebreak);
$_pg = array(
    'info' => array(
        'this_page'   => $page,
        'prev_page'   => ($page > 1) ? ($page - 1) : 0,
        'next_page'   => ($tpg > $page) ? ($page + 1) : 0,
        'total_pages' => $tpg

updated by @michael: 01/17/24 01:36:11AM
01/17/24 01:28:27AM
7,715 posts

Paged list of filtered users

Jamroom Developers

get all the users using a while, add in caching or sleep if you like:
function get_tigs_users(){
    $iid  = 0;
    $_tmp = array();
    while (true) {
        $_sp = array(
            'search'          => array(
                "_item_id > {$iid}"
            'order_by'        => array('_item_id' => 'asc'),
            'return_keys'     => array('user_name', 'user_whatever', 'user_group'),
            'skip_all_checks' => true,
            'limit'           => 500
        $_sp = jrCore_db_search_items('jrUser', $_sp);
        if ($_sp && is_array($_sp) && !empty($_sp['_items']) && count($_sp['_items']) > 0) {
            foreach ($_sp['_items'] as $u) {

                $iid = $u['_item_id'];

                // Exclude admin and master users
                if (empty($u['user_group']) || $u['user_group'] != 'user') {

                // Exclude empty users
                if (isset($u['user_blocked']) && $u['user_blocked'] == 1) {
                $_tmp[] = $u;
        else {
    return $_tmp;
01/17/24 01:20:07AM
7,715 posts

Paged list of filtered users

Jamroom Developers

Yeah it would. That 'user_blocked != 1' is only going to be there on blocked users not all users. To avoid having to add it to all users and set it to 0 so that the search works, the first way I would look to do it is get all the users back in not paginated format using a while(true){} structure to get chunks of users at a time if you expected there to be a ton of results.

That would get the full unpaginated data set to work with then use a foreach loop to filter out the matching blocked !=1 users until you've got it down to just the user set you want then construct the pagination manually.

I'll try to find an example. back soon.
01/15/24 02:53:41PM
7,715 posts


Installation and Configuration

yeah its been like that for a while, feels like years. There's some discussion threads in the forums if you wanted to read.

Think it came down to something like: soundcloud wasn't making enough money, shut down api access with a plan to make a paid api. something like that.
01/15/24 02:49:44PM
7,715 posts

PHP fatal error

Jamroom Hosting

We'll get that fixed. Probably a php 'improvement'. I think count() used to return 0 when given null.

01/09/24 02:59:15PM
7,715 posts

MAMP Setup

Jamroom Developers

Not sure what MAMP is but the error is correct "you have entered an invalid or reserved User Name". 'admin' is only allowed for the very first account. Try a different user name.
01/06/24 04:17:17PM
7,715 posts

Needed modules for "AudioPro 2" skin?

Design and Skin Customization

Our usual expectation is that new users will try out the Jamroom Hosting subscription free trial where all the modules and skins are available for as many sites as you care to build. Thats a good way to try out whats needed.

the "documentation" module would not be one I would think of as a required module for the AudoPro-2 skin. Required ones would be:
* jrAudio
* jrComment

If you wanted to sell stuff
* jrPayment

* jrVideo

If you wanted to have a support ticket system then:
* jrTicket

If you and your developers wanted a bug tracking system:
* jrTracker

If you wanted a chat system:
* jrChat

If you wanted a forum
* jrForum

The modules are mostly desiged to work with any system but a few of the skins customize the way the modules do things to meld them in better.