Forum Activity for @michael

11/26/24 04:08:26PM
7,778 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

Ok you should be good now. There are 2 locations for H1 tags on the detail page.

I've given them 2 classes, the first class is .wol-audio-detail-h1 and if you use that it will effect BOTH locations. If you just want to effect the top location use .wol-audio-detail-top and if you want to just target the bottom location use .wol-audio-detail-bottom

you can call those classes whatever you like, they're very flexible. you could call it .orange then make the color in CSS orange and whatever you added .orange to would use those rules.

See how you go with that.
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11/24/24 08:18:24PM
7,778 posts


Using Jamroom

depends on the skin for what buttons exist, I would expect most of them to have them but its possible not all do. I thought elastic had them. just for clarity we're talking about jrElastic2 right?

If you turn on the editor for the timeline you can use the embed module to put images in.

I thought there was an "attach images" button too but im not seeing it.
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11/24/24 08:01:23PM
7,778 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

send me some admin level logins for the site to support at jamroom dot net ATTN: michael. I'll login and get it done for you.

Its not so hard. Once you see what I've done you can do the next one.
11/18/24 03:13:35AM
7,778 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

You can paste it into the CUSTOM EDITOR tab on the STYLE section of the skin.

What you need there though is an adjustment to the H1 tag to be able to target it better. That means a template adjustment.
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11/13/24 12:38:12PM
7,778 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

It certainly is, but to do it I'd need to see the page that its on.

Browsers have tools built into them to allow you to fiddle with how things look. Generally you hit F12 and a panel opens then you use the arrow pointer from there to click on the thing you want to fiddle with then mess around with the CSS panel to get it how you want.

Once you know how you want it you copy those values into a .css file thats part of your site and upload it to make it permanent.
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10/14/24 01:28:58AM
7,778 posts

Login Page not found after server migration.

Installation and Configuration

That makes it more difficult. Do you have access to your database?

I tried to create an account to see if your login was set to 'instant login' but its set to email verification then did not send the email so I cant get logged in that way.

If it was my site the first thing I would do would be to go into the 'settings' table and make that change, so new users who signed up were instantly signed in.

Then after creating a new account I would change its level access from 'user' to 'master' so that account was a master account.

From there I would be able to look into the ACP to see what could be causing the issue.

Another possible idea is to go into the 'settings' table of your database and change the currently set skin back to 'jrElastic' or whatever skin is on the system. Then after the skin changes, see if the user/login form comes back. If it does then its an issue with the skin.
10/08/24 05:44:50AM
7,778 posts

Login Page not found after server migration.

Installation and Configuration

Try turning off the custom login page from the ACP. It looks like you're not using the default one so probably the skin is over-riding it then not working properly.
09/01/24 08:33:33PM
7,778 posts

How can I add Google verification to my Jamroom hosted sites?

Using Jamroom

The meta tag is the best way. Add it to meta.tpl then refresh the caches. Go to the top page of the site, right click and choose "view page source". If you can see the tag there, then go back to google and hit 'VERIFY' button and it will be verified.
08/24/24 05:48:32PM
7,778 posts

limiting streams of audio

Jamroom Developers

Take a look in the marketplace, there's a few that seem similar. (screenshot)
* Play Control
* User Daily Limits
Look the closest to what you're after.
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08/20/24 01:14:37AM
7,778 posts

ads in timeline feed

Design and Skin Customization

Its possible. You can do it in the foreach loop that outputs your timeline. Figure out which template that is and it will be something like:
{foreach $_item as $_i}
.... .stuff
Then just put your add in there every X number of times like this
{foreach $_item as $_i}
                        {if $_i@iteration % 2 == 0}
                            PUT YOUR ADVERT IN HERE
.... .stuff

That will put an add every 2 posts. change the % 2 to % 6 to do it every six times.