Forum Activity for @michael

12/08/24 11:04:54PM
7,778 posts

videos play when hoovering

Design and Skin Customization

You used to be able to, but I think its being blocked by browsers now. Using the 'Follow Me' skin I turned on a setting built into the skin "Auto Play" and it looks like it tries to do something when I scroll the timeline but none of them actually play.

I suspect you probably could get it to work using
in combination with a javascript function to start the player.

I suspect that might not work across all browsers.

As to they why: I remember a few years ago when I would ctrl+click to open many new tabs and if a couple had auto play on I'd get a ton of noise and not know where it was coming from. Thats probably related to the reason the browser blocks it.
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12/08/24 10:53:43PM
7,778 posts

Graph module

Using Jamroom

Its more of a helper module. Not all modules do something that's customer facing.

If you have the Graphs module turned on then you will see buttons on the dashboard that charts the data, eg signups this month, the graph will show how many per day.

Yes you can use its functions inside a module you build to display things in chart or graph form. That would save having to build that functionality but there's no buttons or controls really.
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12/05/24 04:26:01AM
7,778 posts

list orders

Design and Skin Customization

the problem in your one is that "video_...." is only going to be a key on uploaded videos, try using a key that is on all of them or using the || which is OR but that will make it heavier on your system. May be ok if its not pulling a ton per page.

so try search1="video_rating_overall_average_count > 3 || youtube_rating_overall_average_count > 3"
12/04/24 06:29:30PM
7,778 posts

list orders

Design and Skin Customization

the start will be something like:
{jrCore_list module="jrRating" search1="rating_value > 3"  search2="rating_module = jrAudio" limit="10" }
12/04/24 06:21:10PM
7,778 posts

list orders

Design and Skin Customization

The problem with doing it with an IF is its quite loose. If you wanted say 10 of the most recent you'd have to get say 100 then loop over them. If you get the 10 within that 100 that are 4+ then no problem but if in that 100 only 8 are 4+ then you wont show all you need.

What's the exact thing you want? I'll build a query that works in a template.
12/04/24 05:55:02PM
7,778 posts

ProJam5 video page

Design and Skin Customization

Should work. Did you run the INTEGRITY CHECK and the RESET CACHES tool. That should move the videos to a new url, something like 'uploaded_video'.

Also try making the most basic query to see if that works, then modify it.
{jrCore_list module="jrCombinedVideo"} 
12/04/24 05:52:15PM
7,778 posts

list orders

Design and Skin Customization

To do that, the first step is figuring out which module is doing the ratings, then get a jrCore_list of those item. The data will come back with the item_id of the thing its rated for then do a search for those item ids. Loop over the ratings and insert the corresponding item.

Its almost easier to do it in a module

Do a search in the module to get the ids, do another search using those ids then send the whole thing to a template to loop over.
11/28/24 08:39:56PM
7,778 posts

jamroom not sending Verification Emails

Using Jamroom

Could be anything. Most likely causes are:
* check that your user settings are set to "email verification" in the USER module under signup

If that is set to "email validation" then use the TEST EMAIL system to see if your site is sending.

Also check what email system is active and that the delivery settings are correct.
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11/28/24 01:55:25PM
7,778 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

You're welcome.

If you've got any CSS questions you can ask them here.
11/27/24 01:19:34PM
7,778 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

I've added that same class to the title of the audio files that show up on the front page. It needed the class to have those class rules apply.

Take a look now.
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