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Basic concepts of jamroom:
* There are USERS who are the people looking at the screen
* There are PROFILES which are the pages where the users info is displayed.
In a normal jamroom setup one user will have one profile. Jamroom can be made to allow one user to have many profiles
( say one person is in multiple bands ) or one profile to have many users
(like say a bands profile page which may have many members in it)
Jamroom approaches the concept of "Content" from the position of: Content is something that is added to a profile.
Jamroom progressed from being a developer oriented system to having features that allowed non-developers to also customize it. If you approach it from the developers angle you will be able to do a lot more than if you never want to look at code.
There is a system called the "Quotas system" that allows there to be different types of profiles. So if you had 2 quotas then profiles in one of those quotas could have a completely different set of features available to them than profiles in the other quota.
(A profile can only ever be in one quota at a time.)
MeetUp as a system contains:
* Events that users can join
* Profiles
* Users
So you probably do not need the "Groups" module but instead use the "Events" module. It already has the "Attending" feature built into it.
If you use Jamroom Hosting then you get access to all the modules and skins that The Jamroom Network Team has built included in the price. (That's most of the modules. There are a few others that are created by 3rd party developers that are not included.)
That would probably be enough to get some of the main structure in place, from there the next steps would be to customize it to fit what your site is about.
PageMakers:....After installation the modules must be acquired through the JR interface and unless the JR package installed is premium or above, there will a charge for the module. Right?...
There are a bunch of free modules that come with the package and a bunch more free in the marketplace.
updated by @michael: 04/18/21 09:37:41PM