Needed modules for "AudioPro 2" skin?
Design and Skin Customization
Our usual expectation is that new users will try out the Jamroom Hosting subscription free trial where all the modules and skins are available for as many sites as you care to build. Thats a good way to try out whats needed.
the "documentation" module would not be one I would think of as a required module for the AudoPro-2 skin. Required ones would be:
* jrAudio
* jrComment
If you wanted to sell stuff
* jrPayment
* jrVideo
If you wanted to have a support ticket system then:
* jrTicket
If you and your developers wanted a bug tracking system:
* jrTracker
If you wanted a chat system:
* jrChat
If you wanted a forum
* jrForum
The modules are mostly desiged to work with any system but a few of the skins customize the way the modules do things to meld them in better.