Forum Activity for @michael

04/15/24 09:20:02PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

no, you should be able to keep that just as it is. Licenses are included in the hosting. Unless its a license from someone else for a module which we didn't build and even then you should be able to install any module on 2 domains.
updated by @michael: 04/15/24 09:20:27PM
04/15/24 09:03:08PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

Just install them from the marketplace. All premium plugins can be installed on as many sites as you care to build on jamroom hosting.

If they're not showing up as INSTALL in ACP -> CORE -> MARKETPLACE then check your license key is matching at ACP -> CORE -> MARKETPLACE -> TOOLS -> MARKETPLACE SYSTEMS
04/15/24 07:11:44PM
7,778 posts

Header from audio pro used on The Pro Jam

Design and Skin Customization

best idea is to copy the style, not the code. They're different skins with different css classes so you cant just grab a chunk of one skin's css and expect it to work on another skin.

Hit F12 on your keyboard, to bring up developer tools. Fiddle with the css of the elements you want to change, then add those rules in to the css file.
04/15/24 05:56:30PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

Server should be ready now.
04/15/24 05:54:45PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

In your HOSTING tab on your profile you should now see MY SERVERS and under that the server being created.

Could you go to the next tab along PAYMENTS and in the upper right there should be button UPDATE CREDIT CARD. Hopefully clicking that brings up the details modal.
screenshot_20240416-095305.png screenshot_20240416-095305.png - 38KB
04/15/24 05:44:48PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

I'll just build it for you then we can connect up the payments system after its done. should take 15 min ish then you'll get an email saying its up.

Thanks for the screenshots, i've used that info.
04/15/24 05:38:55PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

huh. not good. Sorry about that. Do you get this popup modal. (screenshot)
screenshot_20240416-093757.png screenshot_20240416-093757.png - 127KB
04/15/24 05:07:37PM
7,778 posts

Premium Hosting

Jamroom Hosting

well thats not a good start. :( where are you running into that? when you're trying to activate a server?
03/26/24 07:19:18PM
7,778 posts

Implementing SSO and authentication

Using Jamroom

Normally for single sign on we suggest using the existing OneAll module

then they can use the same login on both sites = Single Sign On.

But it sounds like you're looking for something different in getting it to seam like the sites are not different but the same.

My first thought is disable login on the jamroom site, only enable it on the other system then add a listener

Docs: Events and Listeners

to the jamroom side that picks up on anyone who is not logged in visiting a page.

The listener reaches out to the other system and requests who they are logged in as. Gets their email address and logs in the user with the same email address or creates the jamroom side user/profile with that info if they've not yet got a jamroom side account.

If they're not logged in on the main site and trying to access a jamroom page I'd probably immediately redirect to the login.

Something like that.

You could reach out on each page load to check the user status or if that was too heavy run a listener on the ten_minute_maintenance event to log out users who had logged out at the main site.
03/24/24 10:47:18PM
7,778 posts

Create new user account from within ACP

Using Jamroom

Yup, that how it works for me too.