Event - How do I know who wants to attend my event?
Ning To Jamroom
If the people who are attending have clicked the attending then they probably show up on the events details page as a list of profile names. If you can see that, then the page that controls that is:
and the code that controls that is:
{if $item.quota_jrEvent_allowed_attending == 'on' && isset($item.event_attendee) && is_array($item.event_attendee) && isset($item.event_attendee_count) && $item.event_attendee_count > 0}
{assign var="attendees" value=""}
{foreach from=$item.event_attendee item="attendee"}
{assign var="attendees" value="`$attendees` <a href='`$jamroom_url`/`$attendee.profile_url`'>@`$attendee.user_name`</a>,"}
<span class="normal">{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="38" default="Attendees"}: {$attendees|substr:0:-1}</span>
The code is only configured to get the user_name of the people who are attending, but you can add in another section to retrieve their email addresses, but you'd only want to show that section to master admin users, so you could add in:
{if jrUser_is_master()}
{foreach from=$item.event_attendee item="attendee"}
and that should show a list of users emails to master admins who look at the page.