Randomize this call a bit...
Using Jamroom
first thing to do is to figure out which of the calls in the first part are being used, is it:
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" cache_seconds="120" search1="profile_quota_id in 8,9,16,21,22,23,29" limit="7" template="index_item_2.tpl"}
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" cache_seconds="120" order_by="profile_jrAudio_item_count numerical_desc" limit="7" template="index_item_2.tpl"}
if its the first one, it does not have any sort of ordering on it so will likely return the same thing every time.
if its the second one may be that profile_jrAudio_item_count does not get rebuilt multiple times a day possibly, not sure; that could be causing the issue.
What happens if you turn on developer mode (which disables caches) does it change every time then?
ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> CONFIG -> Run in developer mode