Forum Activity for @michael

10/05/21 12:27:44AM
7,788 posts

Auto Submission to iTunes and Other Distributors

Off Topic

There's nothing in the YouTube module that lets you upload to Jamroom and have it appear on YouTube.

Just the other direction, upload to youtube then import back to Jamroom.
10/02/21 03:50:28PM
7,788 posts

Adjusting forum/activity page?

Using Jamroom

The URL for that page has some html stuff in it, it looks a bit strange. (screenshot)

The same url without that stuff works too, its:

It should be the jrAction_item_index.tpl file that controls that page, it doesn't seem like it is on your site though.

The list should be being generated by a call like this:
 {jrCore_list module="jrAction" profile_id=$_profile_id order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="12" page="1" pager=true}

and the solution to limiting is to change 'pagebreak' to 'simplepagebreak' then add 'limt=100':
 {jrCore_list ........... simplepagebreak="12" page="1" pager=true limit=100}

In order to figure out which template you need to adjust you can turn on "Template names in source" from:

That will show up in the source code to the page. This should be done at a quiet time of day for the site.

I tried to adjust the jrAction_item_index.tpl on your skin but its not that template. First step is to figure out which template controls that page.
weird.jpg weird.jpg - 1MB
10/02/21 03:23:12PM
7,788 posts

Auto Submission to iTunes and Other Distributors

Off Topic

None that I know of. Someone may have built one for private use but nothing in the marketplace.

Getting it to work would involve connecting to each of those sites API systems then following the flow for submission.

If you build it it would likely require continuous attention as API systems often change so you'd need to keep up with how they change over time and keep making adjustments.
10/02/21 12:52:46AM
7,788 posts


Using Jamroom

There are 3 badges modules, which one are you using?

If its "Profile Badges" it was created by a 3rd party developer "Developer Networks" who no longer supports it, so probably best to delete it.

There is another one by UltraJam who does still support their modules, its called "OpenBadges".

I haven't used either yet sorry.

Ultrajam has their own forum here:
badges.jpg badges.jpg - 1MB

updated by @michael: 10/02/21 12:53:02AM
09/27/21 06:20:15PM
7,788 posts


Using Jamroom

Can you show me a link to a PDF file that opens in your browser in a new window please. I'll take a look to see how its different.
09/26/21 06:26:18PM
7,788 posts


Using Jamroom

You: Here's a PDF file but you must read by the method I prefer.
visitor: Why?

It is possible to force PDF files into a reader that you provide but its not standard.

Attached a PDF for testing.

When I choose to open that file I get 3 choices provided by my operating system and browsers. (screenshot)
good_fonts_for_dyslexia_study.pdf - 654KB

updated by @michael: 09/26/21 06:28:14PM
09/25/21 08:19:30PM
7,788 posts


Using Jamroom

That's a browser extension. I have a PDF reader built into my browser so when I open PDF files they open in the browser.

If one is not built in you can usually add it as an extension.

which browser do you use?
updated by @michael: 09/25/21 08:20:34PM
09/20/21 01:18:44AM
7,788 posts

Can’t update any cores on any sites error included

Installation and Configuration

Its the same error:
[error] => MySQL server has gone away

Maybe increase mysql's resources?
09/18/21 04:07:10PM
7,788 posts

Can’t update any cores on any sites error included

Installation and Configuration

The URL in that error is this one:

Its up, I can see it.

The query thats trying to be run is this one:
UPDATE jr_jrcore_queue_info SET queue_depth = (queue_depth - 1) 
WHERE queue_name = 'jrImage_prune_cache' 
AND queue_depth >= 1

That shouldn't break Mysql, but thats what its saying: "When I try to run this query I find that there is no mysql server, its gone away."
09/17/21 08:31:36PM
7,788 posts

Can’t update any cores on any sites error included

Installation and Configuration

This looks like the important part:
[error] => MySQL server has gone away

Something is wrong with Mysql on the server, try to restart mysql.