Forum Activity for @michael

01/22/25 10:36:04PM
7,793 posts

html audio player

Design and Skin Customization

Send me some access codes to a user who can see the player in your site. Send it to support at jamroom dot net attn: michael with a link to here and I'll login and take a look. won't make any changes without your say so.

A good way would be to make me an admin account, send the details then deactivate the account or put it back to regular user after I've finished.

Sorry I was away for a bit.
01/15/25 12:20:17AM
7,793 posts

html audio player

Design and Skin Customization

This one could be a bit difficult to figure out. I'll help but I need to know how to set it up to get to where your at so I can see what works to offer useful solutions.

Are you setting it up inside the skin or as a module? are you able to package it as a .zip or some way I can get the code to see whats going on.

What steps are you doing to test when something should cause a count?
01/14/25 11:28:01PM
7,793 posts

html audio player

Design and Skin Customization

Yeah, looking at the module jrPlayCounts, that url is recording the 'moudle' / 'item_id' / 'percentage finished'
So if that url is hard-coded then audio item 10 is going to have its play count at 10% everytime the song plays.
01/14/25 11:26:11PM
7,793 posts

html audio player

Design and Skin Customization

If that's the code that calls your player it looks like its got code in there to increment the play count.

It will be calling

What might be a problem is if that jrAudio/10/10 is hard-coded. That looks like its the id for the audio file that's trying to be counted.

I would expect that those would be variables. /{$item_id}/{$profile_id}. something like that so that the counter knows what to count.
01/14/25 08:17:15PM
7,793 posts

html audio player

Design and Skin Customization

How did you add the player? It's going to be something to do with the code you used either direct linking to the wrong URL or a counter call that exists in the default players thats missing from your new player.
01/09/25 04:29:57PM
7,793 posts

Profile Tweaks

Design and Skin Customization

From either of those two locations the fields will be saved to the users 'profile' datastore so can be used in any location where the other profile stuff is found, so if in the template you see {$_profile['profile_name']} then you can use {$_profile['profile_tweaks_css3']} to get its value back out.

If in the templates you see {$profile_name} then you can use {$profile_tweaks_css3} to get its value.

if you put {debug} then you can see what values are available to you in templates.
01/09/25 04:27:21PM
7,793 posts

Profile Tweaks

Design and Skin Customization

In that module above in the include file under the other form fields if you want to add an image upload, add this form field code
        $_tmp = array(
            'name'     => 'profile_tweaks_css3',
            'label'    => "Custom CSS 3",
            'help'     => "Some other desctiption about what this field does",
            'type'    => 'file',
            'extensions' => 'jpg,png',
That will allow for upload of .jpg or .png files.

If you want those fields to change from the profile tweaks module's form to the PROFILE form instead change the top line from
    if (!empty($_data) && $_data['form_view'] == 'jrProfileTweaks/customize') {
    if (!empty($_data) && $_data['form_view'] == 'jrProfile/settings') {

this.jpg this.jpg - 559KB
01/09/25 04:17:50PM
7,793 posts

Profile Tweaks

Design and Skin Customization

Here's a cut down module that just has a listener for that form. It has a couple of examples of form fields being added to the page.

Hopefully this gives you a good idea of how to start. - 1KB
01/09/25 02:40:30PM
7,793 posts

Profile Tweaks

Design and Skin Customization

Right, gotcha. Then: currently there is no Form Designer button for that form. Any extra fields would need to be added via a module.

You do have the option of allowing them to change skins, but making one for everybody would be a bigger task than just making a module that allowed them to input .css directly.
on.jpg on.jpg - 835KB
01/08/25 08:31:40PM
7,793 posts

Cloud Hosting

Installation and Configuration

Whats the problem with the email based domains. Yeah email is not great on jamroom hosting, there is no included mail server.

There's ways around it but its not as simple as some hosting companies.