"Already used" in User profile edit page. using Japanese
Using Jamroom
Ok, I can see the issue and why it was done that way. The technical reason is: Because there is no way to preg_match just japanese characters.
The closest code I found to matching hiragana and katakan and kanji is:
preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\p{Katakana}\p{Hiragana}\p{Han}]', $value)
but the problem with that is it does allow * and ? through and probably more.
So since we cant be SURE that what the user is passing in as their profile_name does not contain code used to hack the site the use of those characters are limited to admin users only.
Admin will be able to change a profile name to japanese characters but a regular user will not be able to.
Unless I can locate some validation system that will ONLY let valid characters through but not extra code then this can't be changed.
Maybe Japanese programmers have a way to do it, but I don't know it unfortunately.