Forum Activity for @michael

02/01/24 08:27:53PM
7,793 posts

PHP fatal error

Jamroom Hosting

I have logged in, thanks. Im not seeing how to trigger the error. do you know steps to get the error to occur?
02/01/24 08:17:04PM
7,793 posts

Unable to log in via FTP

Using Jamroom

You're not on jamroom hosting. You'll need to contact your hosting company to find out if they have any more info on how to FTP into their server.
02/01/24 08:15:57PM
7,793 posts

Regarding Stream Pay Listners

Installation and Configuration

A user can only be in one quota at a time.

Your subscription should change the listener from the 'standard' to the 'all inclusive' quota.

The standard quota will only be able to play limited length songs or x songs per month or however you want to set that up.

The 'all inclusive' quota won't have that limit placed on them.

The customer will pay to be moved from one quota to the other for a certain period of time then once that finishes they will be automatically returned to the other quota.
01/29/24 05:24:36PM
7,793 posts

PHP fatal error

Jamroom Hosting

ok, i dunno then. If you'd be willing to send some admin level login credentials to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread, I'll login and see if I can spot whats going on.
01/28/24 06:02:54PM
7,793 posts

Trying to change AudioPro2/index_top.tpl

Design and Skin Customization

did you just change the default= part? if so remove the whole language string and replace it with the words you want. The default is just that, a default. As soon as the database is populated with language strings the defaults aren't used. change it from

{jrCore_lang skin="jrAudioPro2" id=51 default="Welcome to"} {$_conf.jrCore_system_name}
{jrCore_lang skin="jrAudioPro2" id=53 default="United Kingdom"} ·
{jrCore_lang skin="jrAudioPro2" id=54 default="Independent"} ·
{jrCore_lang skin="jrAudioPro2" id=55 default="Record Label"}


Welcome to United Kingdom Independent Record Label
01/27/24 04:06:32PM
7,793 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

next thing I'd try would be to reduce the modules in the list. Go from 3 modules down to 2, then swap them around to try to figure out if one module in particular is causing the issue. I tried to get setup to do that but I cant see the issue happen for me.

so if you were doing

try just video and youtube.

If that still doesn't work send some credentials to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread and I'll login and see if I can see whats up

updated by @michael: 01/27/24 04:08:55PM
01/26/24 10:15:09PM
7,793 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

delete the widget and make it again is the first thing I'd try .

Nothing in the posted logs is related to the widget.

Try making the same widget on a different page.

we need to narrow it down to what is causing the issue.
updated by @michael: 01/26/24 10:16:36PM
01/25/24 10:03:46PM
7,793 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

what are the parameters you've set it to. I can't reproduce the problem.

Are there any errors created in the error log or the activity log when the white screen appears?

The search conditions only being available on edit is probably a condition of the module. I recon it probably needs to know which modules are in use to determine which search conditions are compatible with all of the chosen modules and its not going to know that before the modules have been chosen.
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01/23/24 01:12:44AM
7,793 posts

Graphs in Jamroom

Design and Skin Customization

Here's the example from the "Daily Active Users" graph:
In the _init() function
    // Graph Support
    $_tmp = array(
        'title'    => 'Daily Active Users',
        'function' => 'jrUser_graph_daily_active_users',
        'group'    => 'admin'
    jrCore_register_module_feature('jrGraph', 'graph_config', 'jrUser', 'daily_active_users', $_tmp);
The title and the function are defined.

Then the structure for the data set is setup in that function:
 * Daily Active Users
 * @param $module string Module
 * @param $name string Name of Graph to create
 * @param $_args array Passed in Parameters
 * @return array
function jrUser_graph_daily_active_users($module, $name, $_args)
{ $dys = (int) $_args['days']; $old = (time() - ($dys * 86400)); $old = jrCore_format_time($old, false, '%Y%m%d'); return array( '_sets' => array( 0 => array( 'label' => "Daily Active Users", 'date_format' => '%m/%d/%Y', 'minTickSize' => "[1, 'day']", 'type' => 'line', 'pointRadius' => 3, '_data' => jrCore_get_graph_stat_values('jrUser', 'active_users', 'daily', $old) ) ) ); }

Then it can be turned on in the dashboard.

The graphing module is Flot, its docs are here
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01/21/24 05:45:16PM
7,793 posts

PHP fatal error

Jamroom Hosting

are you using an over-ridden search template:

is there a file at /skins/jrElastic2//jrSearch_search_results.tpl ?

If you are then look for somewhere in there that has a line like this:
 {if count($results) > 0}
and change it to:
 {if is_array($results) && count($results) > 0}

That change already exists in the base file that I think you have over-ridden. The base file is found at:

It could also be that you have it over-ridden via the templates editor so check at:
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