Forum Activity for @michael

07/20/20 09:30:12PM
7,791 posts

Profile pictures on e-mail

Jamroom Developers

If you grab the URL of the image from the email that arrives in google, take that and paste it in to the url and it shows then its google blocking it. If it doesn't show then "why doesn't it show" is what to look for.
07/16/20 10:28:28PM
7,791 posts

Which template files need modification to create a filter that can display all users or items for a given Quota

Design and Skin Customization

This is a good tool for finding out which templates construct a page "Template name in source"

Docs: "Developer tools -> Template Name in Source"

In truth I don't use that very often though. What I do is grab a distinctive looking class from one of the elements on the page and run that through the search function in my IDE to locate the templates. If that fails then I'd use the above tool to figure out the template.

jrCore_list is the swiss army knife of getting anything from a datastore out to a template:

Docs: "{jrCore_list}"

Jamroom has 2 types of data storage systems, a regular mysql 'table' and a 'datastore'.

A datastore is a KEY -> VALUE storage system that allows you not to have to define a table structure. Most modules use a datastore for their items.

Careful though, if you're making alterations to jrAudioPro then if it gets updates and you upgrade all your adjustments will be lost.

What happens when a skin gets upgraded is the existing skin gets moved to a version directory jrAudio-version-1.2.3 and the new update gets put in its place.

In order to avoid that clone the skin to its own name so there will be no updates to over-write your changes.
updated by @michael: 07/16/20 10:30:53PM
07/16/20 10:18:12PM
7,791 posts

Trying to help my member with his problem...

Using Jamroom

Thanks for giving us the exact wording: "You do not have permission to access this server"

That wording appears in 5 locations in jamroom, 4 of them are in the jrBanned module and 1 is in jrUser.

in jrUser its a check for banned 'bot's that are banned via that jrBanned module, so all those messages are related to something setup in

Take a look at what you've got setup there and see if anything could match the user your interested in.
07/08/20 05:20:41AM
7,791 posts

My test email failed - how can I find the source of this problem?

Using Jamroom

Nice one. Thanks for the update, I was running out of locations to check.

Yes there are privacy concerns, and yes it is possible for any of the JR staff to check the logs and see what emails go through your account. But since email is inherently insecure these concerns should register as no higher than google reading your mail, your internet service provider reading your mail, mailgun reading your mail.

Mail is not secure just by its nature. You can setup encryption but that involves sending the recipient a key in advance that syncs with your email client. Nobody does that. most just know not to put credit card details or sensitive data in emails.

If you're concerned about login info, turn on the Two Factor Authenitcation module that sends you an email every time you login.
07/05/20 11:42:04PM
7,791 posts

Install error


This is the contents of the .htaccess file:
# Jamroom Apache .htaccess file
DirectoryIndex modules/jrCore/router.php

Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews -Indexes

# Headers
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header unset ETag
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
FileETag None
# Expires for CSS, JS and Images
<FilesMatch ".(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$">
Header set Expires "Thu, 15 Apr 2022 20:00:00 GMT"

# Compress everything we can
<IfModule mod_filter.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript text/javascript-x application/javascript

# All requests through the router
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^modules/.*\.tpl$ - [F,L,NC]
RewriteRule ^skins/.*\.tpl$ - [F,L,NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ modules/jrCore/router.php?_uri=$1 [NC,L]
07/05/20 11:31:48PM
7,791 posts

Install error


files that begin with a . are often hidden, make sure you un-hide the files before uploading.
07/05/20 07:14:49PM
7,791 posts

Up to date document to guide me cloning my JR site1 into site2

Jamroom Hosting

You have a mailgun api key attached to your server. Do you need a separate mailgun account or would you like to use ours?

about 3 months ago mailgun changed their services and removed the free plan, up until then everyone needed to get an API key from them to send emails from jamroom hosting. After they started charging we setup a system to allow anyone on jamroom hosting to use our API key.

The simplest thing to do is get me to remove the key from your server, then delete your mail gun account.

If you would like me to remove the key, let me know.

You WILL need to re-setup any email aliases that you are using.

The ones you have setup are here:

Otherwise check your mailgun account and see if there are any error messages there, probably they just want you to pay money. Its about $30 a month to have aliases setup through mailgun now. :(
07/04/20 06:49:24PM
7,791 posts

Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

Using Jamroom

That tells me nothing, its just output. Where you need to look is jr_jrcharts_history table and make sure that every date has an entry. They won't have. That's the cause of your issue. Your site is for some reason not recording data every day.

Thats the issue that needs fixing, but since its not happening for everyone, just some, its hard to identify.
07/04/20 06:19:39PM
7,791 posts

My test email failed - how can I find the source of this problem?

Using Jamroom

Can you delete your mailgun account, or delete all the sites from your mailgun account please. Could be that having the same domain registered at 2 mailgun accounts causes issues.
07/04/20 06:16:58PM
7,791 posts

Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

Using Jamroom

All things point to jr_jrcharts_history. If there is no data for a date, then all days get used.

The data should be being recorded if even 1 visitor happens to the site, even if its a search engine bot, just something to kick off the daily_maintenance function.