How to easily figure out which .tpl to edit?
Design and Skin Customization
Why doesn't it help much, it should take you right to where you want to go.
For me the way I like to edit the templates is not from within jamroom at all, I like to do it from an editor that works on my computer.
I store a copy of my website on my computer and the software keeps the two in sync. I use "PhpStorm" but if you're only editing occasionally it might not be the best for you.
When I want to figure out what template I need to be working on I find some code that looks unique-ish on the page, usually a class="something-unique-looking" then do a search with phpstorm for "something-unique-looking" to see which-of-all templates it could possibly be.
If I'm lucky there are only 2 or 3 location, from there if I dont know which one it is I'll write something to all of them
class="something-unique-looking 111"
class="something-unique-looking 222"
class="something-unique-looking 333"
Then go look again to see which one shows up on the page I want to know about. if its 222 then I know thats the location to edit.
Also another thing to turn on when making edits is DEVELOPER MODE so you dont need to reset the caches each time. its at