FIND IN SET(id, column)
Jamroom Developers
What you did will definitely work, but adding a FIND_IN_SET function would be way more efficient, database index-wise. Nate is right for wanting to use it.
It wouldnt take too much to add a new entry to your DB module called "searchset", that would let you take advantage of this. So something like this:
$_searchset = array();
$_searchset[] .= $id;
$_searchset[] .= "audio_applied_mixlics";
$_sc = array(
"searchset" => $_searchset,
"order_by" => array(
"_created" => "numerical_desc"
"pagebreak" => 6,
"page" => 1
$_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('xtSong', $_sc);
Your db function could then use an optimized find_in_set query.
Sorry, not trying to tell you how to write your software. Just trying to help out
I'm thinking about purchasing your software for a project I am working on...