Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
08/30/14 02:14:37PM
926 posts

A Few Suggestions/Questions


Update: I think I finally figured out the meta tool. I took a guess that I'm only supposed to enter the plain language, and it would add the code. It seems to have worked, when I look at the source code for my page header - hoorah.
The iframes disappearing is still a mystery.
updated by @ken-rich: 08/31/14 07:18:58AM
Ken Rich
08/30/14 11:10:52AM
926 posts

A Few Suggestions/Questions


Hi Brian,

Great info, I think I got the "add category" bit, but there is still one thing that is unclear to me.

1) When I enter the tag content, do I put "just" the url (and the script adds the rest), or do I enter the surrounding HTML myself.

Example, for OG image would I enter just the URL:

or the whole string with brackets (code stripped here if included)

meta property="og:image"

2) Great, I'm glad it already works that way. I guess it's where I'm admin and I probably didn't check it, that caused me to keep seeing it on log in.

3) For the shrink issue, it's for an ad rotor that I generate at my advertising site. I was trying to replace a banner space in n8MSKin and it "worked beautifully" on a full size screen. However, it didn't "shrink" for mobile like I was hoping.

The iframes that have "disappeared" in tests, is that ad rotor and my radio. The radio is currently embedded successfully on my index page, and at 240 width shrinking isn't an issue.

However, if I put that same code in let's say a page, blog or event, it disappears, even a simple ad rotor iframe won't show in those places. I enabled their originating domains in the iframe module, so I don't know why they seem to be "stripped".

Perhaps I didn't enable them properly? When you tell the iframe tool that a domain is OK, do you put just the domain (example - or must you include the http:// (example Could that be the issue?

BTW - I put the codes here to show you but they were "stripped" here as well. So I attached them as a PDF.
Iframes.pdf - 51KB

updated by @ken-rich: 08/30/14 11:29:00AM
Ken Rich
08/29/14 08:03:06PM
926 posts

A Few Suggestions/Questions


First off, I'm really impressed on how many of the "user friendliness" issues in JR4 were addressed in JR5. Awesome with the changesets gone and easy updates etc.

However, not being a programmer, I am still having trouble using some of the tools provided. For example, the meta tag manager. I know there have been two posts already closed on that tool, but please hear me out.

On a simple HTML site, I can easily hand code the title, description, and OG image, so that when I post the URL at the Facebook scraper everything looks good. I thought I had a "grip" on meta tags - lol.

However, I can't hand code it in the header on Jamroom, since you are grabbing info such as page titles from elsewhere, with some technique I don't understand. So I am forced to use the tool, instead of my simple HTML in the template editor, or by directly editing the file.

Problem is, the tool is "cryptic" and "intimidating" to me, even with the help files. I don't see a place to add an OG image, and while I'm sure the tool works fine for programmers who know what they are doing, how about an "idiot proof" basic mode.

Perhaps you can have an advanced mode for those who have the smarts to utilize it's power and capabilities, and a basic mode for "noobs" who are struggling to just control the essentials? Something we can't possibly "screw up" like:

Page Title: ______________
Page Description: ___________________________
OG Image: Attach here...

Perhaps basic and advanced modes should be a design strategy in more things where "user friendliness" for non programmers is an issue?


I like this automatic "Terms & Services" must be checked to continue module, but it "seems" to run on every log in. Can it be set to run once "on sign-up only", and not be seen thereafter on log-ins? If not, can that option be added to it? A simple checkbox would do. Run on sign-up only (check).

Is there any type of "wrapper" or some type of "tech trick" that will make an iframe shrink the way a picture shrinks in this adaptive script?

Also, why can I put an iframe on a system page like index, and it works (except it doesn't shrink), but when I put the "same iframe code" in a regular page or post, it will always give scroll bars that I can't get rid of, or not show at all (disappear like the code is being stripped)?

I'm talking about iframes from URL's I've approved in the iframe control module, and in quota's where iframes are enabled, and all HTML options enabled.

updated by @ken-rich: 10/24/14 05:37:50AM
Ken Rich
08/23/14 04:13:49PM
926 posts

Site is Broken - Can't log-in

Using Jamroom

Thanks but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I went there, they were all checked. I resaved them with all checked, to all quotas.

Then I cleared caches and ran an integrity check.

Then I checked the post and it still hadn't rendered and I even created a new one and it didn't render either.
settings.JPG.jpg settings.JPG.jpg - 31KB

updated by @ken-rich: 08/23/14 04:14:08PM
Ken Rich
08/23/14 01:27:46PM
926 posts

Site is Broken - Can't log-in

Using Jamroom

Hi Guys - just some added info in case it's important. I have confirmed that what "broke" my n8MSkin was the post I made with the jrEmbed tool.

How do I know this for sure? Well, I deleted and reinstalled MSkin and it was still broken. So while in jrElastic I deleted the post, went back to MSkin, and MSkin was usable again.

I've done the system update, but I'm still having an issue with the jrEmbed in that the rendering doesn't seem to work, all I see are codes. Am I doing something wrong, or have a setting misconfigured somewhere.

I am attaching a screenshot of the actual saved post. It doesn't seem to be a particular file, as files from different categories are giving the same result.

Not Rendering.JPG.jpg Not Rendering.JPG.jpg - 44KB

updated by @ken-rich: 08/23/14 01:38:54PM
Ken Rich
08/22/14 03:49:17AM
926 posts

Site is Broken - Can't log-in

Using Jamroom

By "your system" I assume you mean my desktop computer, not the JR5 installation on the server?

You mean update my javascript, browser, Windows?

I'll try that and let you know if my "bugs" persist, in a new ticket - thanks.
Ken Rich
08/21/14 09:25:41PM
926 posts

Site is Broken - Can't log-in

Using Jamroom

I found the problem. I went into the PHPMYAdmin in the cpanel and manually switched skins - now I can login again.

Apparently I messed up something in the n8MSkin so badly, that it wouldn't run properly.

I am passing integrity checks and system status lights are green. Everything seems good except some migrated videos wont play and the TinyMCE embed tool gives me "javascript void" and does not insert anything.

I think these are unrelated issues, perhaps a few bugs to work out?
Ken Rich
08/19/14 03:41:28AM
926 posts

Site is Broken - Can't log-in

Using Jamroom

Credentials have changed. I'll e-mail to you-thanks.
Ken Rich
08/19/14 03:30:52AM
926 posts

Site is Broken - Can't log-in

Using Jamroom

I just bought and installed the JRembed module. I made one post and everything went bad. MY JR5 was previously stable and was passing integrity checks.

There has been a problem with videos that has been ongoing since the guaranteed install and migration. The JR4 login credentials don't seem to work for people either, but I wasn't having instability.

Now I can't see most of my pages except for the background and header. When a page does show it is "scrambled".

I can't log-in or even see the login page. I don't see any admin options, clearing caches and integrity check are not available.

I went into the server and deleted the module, but that didn't help. I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.
updated by @ken-rich: 09/28/14 11:45:01PM
Ken Rich
08/08/14 12:07:08PM
926 posts

Install/Migration Question

Installation and Configuration

OK - will do... The purchases have been made...