Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
10/04/14 04:56:52PM
926 posts

Using Custom Players

Design and Skin Customization

Well the legalities just add another layer of complication, to an issue already too complicated for me to implement. I'm looking for an "easy" button to give me better players.

Let me rephrase my question, perhaps it should be viewed more as a "feature request" than a question.

Is someone on the Jamroom development team, planning on making upgrades to the current players, building new players, or willing to install 3rd party players as a marketplace service?

Kind of like in JR4 where we had the option to buy player packages. I'm just looking for the easiest path to upgrade my players, since I'm not a programmer and can't do it myself.
Ken Rich
10/04/14 09:02:34AM
926 posts

Using Custom Players

Design and Skin Customization

I don't know if there is something better out there, but I found the radio player from this company to work well:

It is HTML5, has embed code "popout" share, social media share buttons built in, ability to "brand" and customize the design easily (without specific programmer knowledge).

They have several generic versions of their players, some with playlists, lyric scrolling, and "buy now" features. I'm sure one with a great feature set could be made to work in Jamroom.

The problems is this - I've read the section on how to substitute a custom player in Jamroom, but it's all "gobbledygook" to me.

My question is this. Can a player upgrade become a Marketplace item. Either as an advanced brandable player with features like those above (with 1 click install), or as a Marketplace "service, where someone who understands the programming requirements does it as a professional install service at a set price.
updated by @ken-rich: 11/05/14 11:39:32PM
Ken Rich
10/03/14 01:04:34PM
926 posts

Quota - Terms of Service

Using Jamroom

I was creating site pages initially, but then lost the ability to select site or profile pages. It doesn't matter now since Paul has me in a fresh install doing my Ning Network migration. The problem hasn't resurfaced in this version yet. Thanks though for your input.
Ken Rich
10/01/14 06:31:25PM
926 posts

Quota - Terms of Service

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

It's not working that way for me. I just changed one to "Terms 1" and reset the cache, but it didn't show up in the dropdown list. I refreshed the page, no difference.
Ken Rich
10/01/14 01:52:15PM
926 posts

Page Creator Bug?

Using Jamroom

I'm pretty sure (99%) I didn't alter that particular module. However, I am running "Admin Skin" which might have messed things up? I have noticed that CSS controls in one skin, can now affect a different skin, as though they were somehow "joined". I didn't notice that before...
Ken Rich
10/01/14 12:39:07PM
926 posts

Quota - Terms of Service

Using Jamroom

I was going to change the page this pointed to, but found that I can't edit the title it grabs, if you know what I mean. "Terms & Privacy" is "locked in", I can't find a way to change it. See attached screenshot.
Quota.JPG.jpg Quota.JPG.jpg - 51KB

updated by @ken-rich: 11/04/14 11:15:43PM
Ken Rich
10/01/14 12:34:41PM
926 posts

Page Creator Bug?

Using Jamroom

It used to work right before, so I'm not sure what happened.

However, instead of a choice of "on site" or on "admin page", the two choices seem to be "locked together" in the drop down list.

Since you can't toggle to specify one or the other, an error is generated when you try to save.

The attached screenshot shows what I'm trying to describe.
Page Creator.JPG.jpg Page Creator.JPG.jpg - 49KB

updated by @ken-rich: 11/26/14 03:00:43PM
Ken Rich
09/20/14 01:23:11PM
926 posts

Foxycart/Paypal - Chargebacks and Disputes - How are They Handled?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian - that just saved me loads of time and possibly some future grief. Much appreciated.

My solution, Paypal for most members, Foxycart for the site itself (and a few trusted people). I am going to purchase the Paypal module to implement.
Ken Rich
09/20/14 07:55:18AM
926 posts

Foxycart/Paypal - Chargebacks and Disputes - How are They Handled?

Using Jamroom

Just a quick question before I set up my shopping cart enabled quotas. I need to make sure I am understanding this correctly.

With the PayPal module, my current understanding is that all transactions go through the member's own Paypal account. In that sense the site owner is divorced from all responsibility. So if they fail to ship, it is the member (who sold the item) who is held accountable. Also, if they ship but there is a chargeback, it is they who are responsible to return the funds. Is that correct?

I am unsure how those two scenarios would play out, if I enabled a quota to use the Foxycart module. To save me from sifting through reams of help files, can someone answer these two quick questions:

1) With Foxycart, if the member fails to ship, but pocket the money, who is held responsible and forced to pay back the money, them or the site owner (me).

2) If a shipment is made, but some time later there is a "chargeback" due to some sort of credit card issue, who is forced to return the money and eat the loss on the shipped items, the member who made the sale, or the site owner (me)?


I understand that a delay can be set in the releasing of funds to the member making the sale, but I have been told by someone experienced with ecommerce, that chargebacks can occur even months later. So I'm a little bit nervous to enable the Foxycart for members. Not unless there is some sort of built in insurance, or these scenarios have been anticipated and the site owner is protected by design.
updated by @ken-rich: 10/24/14 01:39:34PM
Ken Rich
09/19/14 11:45:27AM
926 posts

Community Playlist Players Disappeared After Update

Design and Skin Customization

I found it. No problem with updates only with "noob factor".

I had changed the playlist titles (just before the updates) and didn't realize they need to match what's in the skin config file. My bad (again).