Lots of questions and issues being reported on the Ning forum
Ning To Jamroom
The site is run by Troy, the friend I told you and Paul about. Troy and I are very much aware of what's going on with your JR-to-Ning project right now. I got Troy to add a new section there on Jamroom a few days ago, but we don't really have much to add there until we see how my test network comes out.
The site is run by Troy, the friend I told you and Paul about. Troy and I are very much aware of what's going on with your JR-to-Ning project right now. I got Troy to add a new section there on Jamroom a few days ago, but we don't really have much to add there until we see how my test network comes out.
Cool... I did not understand this before, though perhaps you told me and it flew past..
Well, it seems that Jamroom will get a fair hearing afterall - lol...
That's very good to hear... and that's a great concept for a site... comparison checks will help filter everybody into the best homes for their networks, so that is a useful project you have going... It will ensure all the programming teams bring their "A" game too...kudos...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM