Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/10/14 01:31:37PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

No - Thanks to you and Paul...

We've been getting the "run-around" with Ning support so long, to have competent programmers actually listening and responding is beyond belief... I have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming - lol
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updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/10/14 12:41:10PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

To know you are "on the case" is "HUGE"...

I guess the best thing to do, is for you to check with Paul before he shuts down his computer tomorrow evening and leaves town.

He says he will check mail when possible but he's pretty much going to be inaccessible (or at least restricted) until the 21st.

So if you guys get a chance to "talk shop" on that module before he bugs out, that would be splendid...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/10/14 12:09:33PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Yes - I believe so, unfortunately he's going out of town until the 21st and I need to go live by the 24th or pay another $60 Ning bill. Not to mention, I have private pages showing right now (not good) and my site as the first Ning migration is supposed to be showcasing how Jamroom functions.

In terms of Groups, my network is not a good "showcase" in it's current form. Paul built a tool to move pages and discussions that originated in private groups (on the Ning side) into their corresponding JR5 counterparts, but it doesn't seem to work (yet).

For example if you look here -

That group looks more like a profile page with a members list. Besides missing the "feeling" of being inside a group specific space, it is missing the group tools.

More importantly, it is missing the pages and discussions related to that private group. They are mixed in with the general pages and discussions (not good) and not available to group members as they should be.

I'm attaching a picture of the corresponding Ning group. Notice there were 4 pages and 4 discussions, all private by virtue of being created within the private group. Try to find them in the JR5 group linked above and you will see the problem.

I've been attempting to communicate these issues by email with Paul, but I'm not sure if I have been entirely successful to date.

What is your assessment Brian? Is this an issue that can be overcome and what timeline would you put on it?
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updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/10/14 11:40:59AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

a group specific chats been a big request for awhile but tgo me your site would need hundreds of thousands of members with at least a few hundreds logged on a a time before even2 ppl would be in the same group at the same time to chat

Unless of course you send out a message to group members inviting them to your private chat, on group specifics... Like a directors meeting...

Otherwise yes, a site wide chat feature is OK and I believe Stevex (or someone) is doing something with Skype integration...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/10/14 11:25:40AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Brian,

On the groups thing, yes they are still profilecentric in that they originate with someone and link back to them - but just not in an "obtuse" way.

So it "feels" like you are inside a separate space, but I think you could achieve that as a design consideration, without "monkeying" too much with the core.

Currently, a quarter of the page is about the originators profile, not about the group. A simple link back is sufficient. That leaves more space for group specifics and creates the illusion of a "separate space".

In terms of the pages and discussions generated within a group, they need to be isolated and separate from general discussions and pages. They too are still profilecentric in that they link back to their creators, but they are isolated to that group and viewable "ONLY" by it's members.

In other words, they shouldn't get lumped in with other lists like "all pages" except perhaps in an "admin quota" view.

Also, discussions and pages created in PRIVATE groups need to be given due consideration. Not so important on my network, but on some you bring over it could be absolutely critical not to expose them to eyes they were not intended for.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/10/14 10:43:36AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Brian,

The basic problem I see with forums is:

1) The left column is showing the originators profile information. Irrelevant to the thread, and a waste of space which could be better put to use linking to other forum categories and such, even ad space, or editable space would be better.

See an example here -

Notice how there are categories in the left column. Each category is searchable independently and has it's own RSS feed... There is editable space in the right column but I wouldn't miss that.

On an actual discussions the left column is hidden allowing a more full screen view. At all times the originators profile is linked so it's still profilecentric, but there is more of a "Community" feel to it all and less obtuse about the profile.

2) Having an RSS module, and having RSS set-up by default in key areas (as already done with blogs) is two different things. Ning migrants (and newbies in general) have enough of a learning curve in front of them, without also have to figure out how to add RSS to the site activity feed and forums, etc.

For instance, I pass my site feed from Ning through a tool to make automated Facebook and Twitter posts, which also drives my Newspaper. All of that will collapse.

3) Jamroom has some pretty cool featuring ability based on quotas and profile numbers. However, Ning had a button only visible to admins which allowed a piece of content, or member, to be featured in their category. What I'm saying is, some will miss that functionality.

4) Groups are a "big deal" will be a "deal breaker" for some. Here are some samples -

Notice how they still link to the originators profile, but feel like a "separate space" not a "glorified" profile page. What they provide, which Jamroom doesn't currently provide is:

- a WYSIWYG editor for the main area.
- a heading area for title description etc.
- The ability for for one member to message all members.
- The ability for members to send invites to their friends/followers
- The ability for an admin to invite all network members.
- A group forum whose discussions are isolated from the community forums and from other group forums.
- Group admin tools like adding deleting members, assigning group admins, etc.
- The ability to make pages which stay isolated to that group and automatically linked within it.
- RSS generation for export of discussions and rendering of RSS for importation of external feed.

Jamroom currently fails on most of these and if you are looking for a way to really have a "selling point" or "drawing card" add group specific chat. That will "make a better Jamroom that fits our needs" and outclass Ning in this area, so as to make migration a "no brainer".
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updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/10/14 09:01:17AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

My opinion on the big functionality differences is - these three items are paramount.

1) The newbies probably think (as I did) that the text boxes are limited in functionality. They are not when fully set up (not default) and jrembed is "the bomb".

Agree with SE - having a wysiwyg editor practically everywhere there is a text field, is a must.

Also, adding some to the skins as editable white spaces where "non coder" creators can easily add what they want, is HUGE.

2) Groups and Forums still need a lot of work - especially Groups. Paul added a field for assigning imported discussions and pages to groups, but it doesn't seem to actually move them.

Also, the JR group appears to be nothing more that a profile page with a member's list added to it. It should have it's own pages and forum, plus ability for a member to contact all other members.

You should get rid of the originators profile info and instead make it full width, with it's own group related links and content filling the space. It can still link back to the originators profile. Same with the community forum, put categories and tools, not originator's profile info.

For the main site (or community forums and groups), perhaps they can be an enhancement of the master admins forum and groups, modified to become the "communities" which duplicate the feel of their Ning counterparts. Then you can continue the JR profilecentric approach for the regular members.

3) Easy 1 click content featuring, searching categories, and generating more RSS feeds (especially site activity) are of lesser importance, but still biggies. These are important considerations too, but I can easily see the first 2 issues becoming "deal breakers" for many people (if they are not addressed).
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/09/14 09:26:34PM
926 posts

Where is the Installation Documentation?

Profile Badges


The sales page says - "Requires you to modify your /skin/yourskin/profile_header.tpl file or wherever you would like the badge to display on your profiles. (code is included inside installation documentation.)"


I can't seem to find this code I'm supposed to install. Where do I locate the "installation documentation"?

I've checked your documentation categories in this forum, the files that install with the module, and my e-mail, but I haven't seen anything that gives me a code to install.
updated by @ken-rich: 11/12/14 04:20:09AM
Ken Rich
11/08/14 10:53:48AM
926 posts

A Tip for "Newbies" on Mobile Views

Ning To Jamroom

Here is a tip I just figured out. You can control your mobile views with this.

{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()} xxxxxxxxxx {else} yyyyyyyyyyy {/if}

I'm checking my work with in advanced mode because I don't have a smart phone. Not all responsive emulators are the same, and indeed unless you are in advanced mode, this one too will not give a true mobile view.

On my site there is a custom menu tab "top left" (in mobile view) that shows and hides a slick looking menu down the left side of the screen. That is an easy mod - an image and CSS.

This tip is small but but powerful. For example, I can place an ad rotor from my Eagle Ads site, that's way too wide for mobiles.

So in mobile view, I can simply make it disappear. If it was a simple image I could make it shrink to size, but iframed rotors are "set" in size. This will help me monetize my network and pay the bills.

- 3KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/08/14 10:46:09AM
926 posts

Shopping Cart Stopped Working

Installation and Configuration

According to the Foxycart guys, this is a bug peculiar to my particular installation of Chrome. Nothing seems to fix it, but since no one else is experiencing it, I'm just going to ignore it and soldier on with a different browser. Thanks for the help...