Important questions about Ning "Groups"
Ning To Jamroom
Hi Brian,
I'm just transferring over some points I made in the other thread. This list is just to get you to Ning 2 functionality.
- a WYSIWYG editor for the main area.
- a heading area for title description etc.
- The ability for for one member to message all members.
- The ability for members to send invites to their friends/followers
- The ability for an admin to invite all network members.
- A group forum whose discussions are isolated from the community forums and from other group forums.
- Group admin tools like adding deleting members, assigning group admins, etc.
- The ability to make pages which stay isolated to that group and automatically linked within it.
- RSS generation for export of discussions and rendering of RSS for importation of external feed.
- They link to the originators profile, but not obtusely, feeling like a "separate space" not a "glorified" profile page.
This one was just to expand on the points you brought up.
- Groups can be public or private
- Yes, pages and discussions occur as separate entities within a group. In Ning 2 pages could have comments blocked, they also had an advanced function that allowed the page creator to insert metadata and even codes to the header. You could also set privacy individually. In this sense, pages were a totally different animal than either a discussion thread or a note. (See attached pic)
- Yes getting rid of the profile info (except for a small link back) is crucial to making it feel like a "separate space" not a "glorified" profile page. Listing pages and discussion categories, and whatever other tools, can fill that pace along with the group description.
- I'm not sure how this would work (I'm suggesting using the Master Admin's account). SE suggested "seamless". All I know is the "Community" Groups and Forum linked on the main menu, need to be set-up a little different from the profile groups and forums. Only, in the sense that the site wide groups and discussions need to be represented, categorized, and managed there.
-It's important in all of this to realize that discussions and pages created within (especially private) groups remain only accessible to those groups, and not mixed in with the site wide lists.
- Why do I say "especially". Well even public group stuff can be very specific and themed away from the general thrust of the network. To illustrate, let's say I have an Art group set-up, and one of the discussion threads within it explodes with a thousand posts about Piccaso.
It may be a public group, and the thread's posts might be searchable on site and spidered by Google, and it's pretty benign stuff I don't mind being public.
However, that doesn't mean I want those posts mixed in with my "Community Forum" discussions where I might have four different Ministry related Discussion categories set up, and feeding my front page "Top Discussions".
This point is about going more advanced as in Ning 3.
- Since groups and multiple instances is one of the few things Ning got right in Ning 3, perhaps it would be helpful to see this before you start.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM