Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/12/14 08:58:47AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

You went a little darker in the boxes?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/12/14 07:48:20AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

The menu is a little lighter now, yellow is gone, corners slightly more rounded. I can live with it now - thanks.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/12/14 04:04:34AM
926 posts

Connect with jrEmbed?


OK - thanks - I'll look get a key put in and see what happens...
Ken Rich
11/11/14 07:44:21PM
926 posts

Connect with jrEmbed?


Hi Steve,

Thanks for getting maps working on my Events - that's the bomb.

I was posting something the other day and noticed it as an option now in my jrEmbed - way cool...

However, when I type in a location it doesn't seem to fetch it, at least not while the editor is open. Is it supposed to be that way?

I mean, is this something that is still going through updates and not quite ready, or is everyone else's working differently than mine and fetching locations with the editor open.

When I post anyway I get this, but I believe you told me no key is required unless a large number of requests are being made???

"The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This service requires an API key"
Ken Rich
11/11/14 06:59:27PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

You are doing some cool stuff... Love how your menu looks in particular... I hate my buttons, been think of trying something different with them... Maybe just even going a few shades lighter...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/11/14 06:26:11PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

I've had to adjust my time line a couple times now, but I'm cool with that because I know I'm going to a "happy place" - lol.

Can you post the link to your player - I'd like to see that.

I've invited Sandeep from to see if he will drop some player packages in the marketplace. I want the social share and pop-out share code functionality like the radio player I bought from him - top of page here -

The Jamroom guys make great players too, but it's not a priority to them right now to dress up the current ones. "Bigger fish to fry"...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/11/14 05:34:06PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Well I'm not sure what you mean by helping you with the coding, because once a module is complete, it's just a one click install and some settings.

Mind you, some stuff is brand new and just rolling out. Some from 3rd party developers. If you have issues, that developer might come over and tweak it for you (if you tell them about it) and then adjust his coding so no one else has that issue. SteveX did that for me with his maps module - hoorah!!!

If you are mostly doing something yourself and asking questions when you are stuck - that's what the general support forum is for -

There is also paid support which is offered, but not mandatory. Someone as technically advanced as yourself, would probably get on fine without it.

Now if you want to hire a developer by the hour, to code something "way out there" - you can do that too. Nate Riggins at N8Flex charges $35 an hour for instance, others are probably charging around the same for custom work.


However, as the first migrants from Ning, we are kind of getting custom work done already, since the Ning specific modules are being "refined" based on our feedback. So it isn't so much that Paul was helping me specifically, because as the first guinea pig, everything he developed to make my network transfer applies to everyone else that migrates. Same with what Brian is doing now.

I still had to figure out my module settings, tweak the skin, install my logos, and so on, and when I got stuck - I went to the support forum and asked questions (just like anyone else). Even on Ning, there were some things only you could do (or should do). Here there are way, way more options and the whole "back-end" plus the script is in your control.

There is a certain amount of effort one must put into the set-up, then running it as master admin is relatively easy, since there is so much automation. Even stuff like sifting through your imported youtubes for defunct files - runs on autopilot.

I would suggest to you, that there is enough to do just figuring out all the module settings, setting up your quotas, tweaking your CSS and template layouts, studying help files and so on, to keep you plenty busy while Brian and his team retool their Ning bundle.

Then when your network is fully transferred and operational (and you have your "bearings") you will have time to explore all the configuration options and untapped potential (though I agree that's what's the most intriguing).
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/11/14 02:56:50PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

I like that I have Google maps on my events here - a SteveX innovation - cool...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/11/14 11:37:11AM
926 posts

Important questions about Ning "Groups"

Ning To Jamroom


I know not everyone agrees, which is why that is all supported if you want it - it's just not enabled in our forum.

Hi Brian,

Well codes are like second nature to you, so I'm sure you can make these comment boxes do almost anything - lol.

The rest of us are a little more "challenged" and some of our members are totally "hopeless" when it comes to coding.

So on my JAMROOM 5, I would like to have a rich text box in discussion comments to allow users to embed pics and so on, but I don't have a clue how to add that functionality, or how to style my forums along the lines of Genosis.

I'm sure most Ning migrants would feel the same (SE already expressed it). So is there a procedure to follow, a package to buy, an upgrade in the works (Ning bundle), that can get us to that "happy place"...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/11/14 10:56:23AM
926 posts

Important questions about Ning "Groups"

Ning To Jamroom

Thanks everyone for the feedback. Right now I'm going to put the existing set of Ning Support modules on hold - most are not setup correctly to be flexible going forward.

Instead, what I am going to focus on is a new "Ning Groups" module that is basically a "wrapper" module around existing Jamroom profile modules - i.e. a group in effect becomes a mini "site" within the profile itself. This allows you to have any of the Jamroom modules that a profile has access too, to also exist "inside" a group.

It's going to be tricky to develop, but (at least at this point) I think it is the best route to pursue since Jamroom already has all these features OUTSIDE of groups, and I want to avoid having to recreate all of them just to be INSIDE a group.

I'm going to get started on it ASAP and I will update if I have further questions or need clarification, and will let you know how I progress.

So for now I apologize but we need to put things into a holding pattern for just a bit until we can re-tool the setup so it's going to be awesome going forward.


Awesome... Sounds like a good plan to me...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM