Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/13/14 10:14:26PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Cool I can't even get the current profile customization options to work except for landing page choice, probably because I'm running 3 skins at once with admin skin. Either that or one of my mods killed it - lol.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/13/14 09:56:32PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Strumelia:....On your 'profile page' I would expect to see your member photos, videos you may have posted, your blog entries, your personal music clips or playlist, a list of the site Groups you belong to, discussions or forums you have created, and your little bio description about yourself.

That's a great point. You can see the list of what each user posts ...

Hi Michael,

I think you maybe missed her point on that one. It's glaringly obvious to Ningsters, but Jamsters seem oblivious - go figure - lol.

So take this as a feature request! Basically it's a profile "landing page" issue.

We are used to a landing page that displays a "sample" of all of our content categories on one page. We had "drag & drop" containers, but we could live without those if the layout was good. Jamroom only shows one category at a time, and you have to switch views to see the rest.

Each small representative category can have a show more button, check this page for an example - (or see screenshot attached).

Notice blog and discussion titles in small boxes with "show more". Notice 3 video icons, leading to more videos, notice there is a text box where the member can put whatever they wish using a TINYmce style WYSIWYG editor. There is a playlist style music player (with pop-out embed code), a picture slideshow, etc., - all of these on the same page.

To a Ningster, content on Jamroom seems to be indexed and managed well, but it's highly compartmentalized. One has to click 10 tabs in someones profile to see what they have, instead of one representative page.

We would like a profile landing page that does what the home page does, by pulling up representative samples for display, which lead to the full views.

Does that make sense to you, and is it "doable"? It's no good to say to "non coders" coming over from Ning that Jamroom supports this, but then expect them to modify the templates themselves. They need something already modified, something that works that way "out of the box".
Capturetr.jpg Capturetr.jpg - 268KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/13/14 07:14:59PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

as soon as i find my card tho im giknna get the nung skin and switch my css over to it and see if i cant make it work for me better then the elastic

Those Ning modules will work in all skins eventually, but to get full functionality it's probably a smart move to get the Ninja one, if you can't wait. My NingNova skin won't be finalized until Paul gets back, but that's another viable option when it hits the market place.

The thing I would like to see, that hasn't been discussed much, is an enhancement of the existing featuring section in that skin. With just a few tweaks it would look like what our Ning members are used to, but could be running on automatic, and a monetizing option in our quotas.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/13/14 07:06:18PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom


Personally speaking, groups are very important for ex-Ning users, and the ability to add pages within the group itself (as well as discussions) is most desirable.

Brian is working on that very thing, and since he is the one who handles the core, I'm sure it will be thought through on all levels.

It's hard to give a time line on this sort of thing, but it could be out as early as the end of the week (at least from what I understand).
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/13/14 05:34:28PM
926 posts

Stats leave box in Internet Explorer

Design and Skin Customization

Well I would have to put it back but all you have to do is look at the Nova demo skin.

See how the stats come across the bottom, but there are not many in the demo.

If you had more, in Chrome and Firefox they wrap and form another line, In IE 11 they "break the container" and disappear to the right.

It ruins the aesthetics of the page, so I removed them. No "biggie", just cosmetic.
Ken Rich
11/13/14 11:39:54AM
926 posts

Featuring - can be better than Ning

Ning To Jamroom

The NingNova2 skin I am running (thanks to Paul) has an innovation that with just a couple of tweaks, would be "the bomb" for featuring, and no former Ning user would ever miss that aspect.

In fact, what I'm suggesting would automate the process, help monetize the site, and look very similar to the old Ning view we are used to.

On the top of this page there is a row of four spaces, and tabs for featured content

It is possible to have the content which displays be randomly chosen from assigned quotas. For instance I have 2 paid artist levels and 1 free. I can ignore the free one, and artists who pay can be chosen at random for featuring. That's good, the addition of "weighting" so one quota can get a higher number of features than another quota, would also be useful.

A manual override for inputting someone to the rotation would be nice for special occasions, but not a critical concern at least for me.

Now, it's nice having featured artists show as the first view on the Home page, but on the Songs page I want featured songs displayed first. On videos page, featured videos.

I've tried "monkeying" with the code, but currently the initial loading on the view is artists, until the button is pressed, no matter what tab is placed first. I thinks it's got something to do with the loading sequence in Java.

I'm going to attach the current code (I believe this belongs to Paul and/or Douglas). If a trained coder want's to look, I'm pretty sure the proposed tweaks are an easy job that will result in "happy trails" for former Ningsters. A feature request if you will, that will benefit the whole community.
Featuring.pdf - 39KB

updated by @ken-rich: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
Ken Rich
11/13/14 02:48:32AM
926 posts

Stats leave box in Internet Explorer

Design and Skin Customization

I've discovered the issue has to do with Internet Explorer 11 not "wrapping" strings. I tried the "whitespace" command. After testing all permutations I found that the stats either leave the container or stack vertically, but still do not wrap properly like the other browsers.

Any ideas?
Ken Rich
11/12/14 04:59:27PM
926 posts

Stats leave box in Internet Explorer

Design and Skin Customization

I had things looking sharp in Chrome and Firefox, but when I switched to IE I noticed my front page stats were not resizing the box containing them, but instead breaking through the container - NingNova2 Skin

I've disabled stats and am retweaking the space for now, any ideas what would cause that?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/14/14 02:05:26AM
Ken Rich
11/12/14 03:42:23PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

If you show your stats, and you have enough to make them wrap to another line, in IE 11 they break through the container. In Chrome and Firefox, they "wrap" and the box stretches to accommodate - just noticed that one today - trying to fix.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/12/14 10:02:33AM
926 posts

Looking for Showcase sites


I just sent mine in for review -

Modified Nova skin - Ning showcase, first migration, ongoing beta tester of Ning modules.