Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/14/14 12:23:07PM
926 posts

Connect with jrEmbed?


Hi Steve,

I appreciate that you have put up so much clear documentation, superb job really - kudos.

However, being the absolute "noob" that I am, I am still having difficulties. I see this error when I try to use the jrEmbed version of the maps.
"The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure that this API is activated in the APIs Console: Learn more:"

I will attach pictures to show you what I have enabled, and perhaps you can spot what I'm doing wrong.
maps2.JPG.jpg maps2.JPG.jpg - 29KB

updated by @ken-rich: 11/14/14 12:32:41PM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 11:56:26AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Well SE, these is no doubt that a template system is more powerful for those who can take advantage of it, but some people are not "cut-out" to be coders.

I spend days sometimes just doing trial and error stuff that doesn't work, when I'm sure somebody competent could make it work in 5 minutes. I simply don't have time to learn it, except for the little tricks I pick up along the way by necessity.

I could lose most of my members by the time I get in place the things I need, so it's not really an option for me. Featuring and proper members profiles are two things I need fast.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 11:28:24AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Let's not forget something very important- Most people who signed onto Ning did so because Ning does all these things for you out of the box, without expecting you to be able to tweak any codes at all...

My only point is that I think a feature like this (showing a sampling of a member's various content on their profile page in ONE place, just like on NIing) should be BUILT INTO the main Ning skin BY DEFAULT- in the primary NingBundle that new ningsters will experience when they first open the goodies.

I am with you there. I've seen vast improvements since Jamroom 4 but there still has to be a push for more "user friendliness" and "out of the box" functionality. Simple intuitive interfaces need to replace "hard coding" as much as possible.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 06:07:51AM
926 posts

advanced tip give your members style control of thier profiles!

Ning To Jamroom

SE - Unless you give me a "brain transplant", I'm afraid I won't be building a design studio anytime soon. lol

There is so much 'gobble-de-goop" above, that you lost me shortly after: "This is a simple example..."
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 05:30:06AM
926 posts

Featuring - can be better than Ning

Ning To Jamroom

Cool... I figured it could be easily done. I think I almost had most of the basics figured myself, except I couldn't get the "initialized" view to change when placing on different pages, and I wasn't too sure on making it rotate randomly through a quota's content.

Adding weighting and manual override controls, would be completely out of my league to code, but they would be nice options.

However, even a basic version of this will accomplish 3 things:

1) A familiar but constantly changing view on the top of every content page, just like the featured section on Ning.

2) It will help monetize quotas. If paid artists and their content are getting automatically rotated through featured spotlighting, it is a selling point for subscriptions. Free artists wouldn't get that service. If there are levels (Gold Artist, Platinum Artist) then the more expensive subscription can have with more weighting on the content rotation.

3) Some of the pages (like songs) look kind of "bland". Having 4 decent sized album covers on top, that are rotating every page view (or at least on a timer), will make the page more attractive and visually interesting.


I think most Ning migrants (especially the non coders), will want some version of featuring "out of the box" - it's something they were used to.

It should at least be an option, in some form or another. I wasn't a big fan of the Ning version because manually featuring to keep views and feeds fresh was time consuming. This automated system (especially with manual override, weighting, and page load rotation) would be "the bomb".

I definitely want it, and I've set up my quotas so that paying artists receive this service. Now I'm just looking for a way to have reality catch up to the dream...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 04:54:19AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

i think id like to develop our own chat our own way but i will look into the cometchat
though is that a seperate login or does it alow members to login to chat and the site as
- I was sizing that up and the log-in is integrated, plus the Pro version integrated Facebook chat.
- It seems to be text only, not nearly as sophisticated as Skype. To get video chat is $500.
- I think you can get pretty much the same thing they offer with a Skysa bar. It has video chat even on their free version, with a "TinyChat" plugin. The membership integration will almost certainly work (no sign-ins) but you would need to install a code.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 04:19:49AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

soaringeagle: thing we want to develops a shops entryway that has
featured shops in a slider like elastics featured members slider...

I was thinking along the same lines. How do I pull everyone's products into one page that I can link to the main menu?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 04:15:37AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Another way to do it would be to build something like a "Profile Dashboard" module that allowed the profile user to setup that kind of stuff via an interface.

Hi Michael,

I think the "profile dashboard" concept will work well with Ning Migrants. In fact, I think it's a "MUST", and you should run with that ASAP.

For now, can you tell me how to put a rich text box on the profile index page so they can at least have an editable space to play with.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/13/14 10:28:49PM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Michael,

That's cool because this is something my members are going to want (or leave me). Problem is, I'm a non coder who will take a few days to implement that by trial and error, if I can pull it off at all.

Many Ning creators are even more technically challenged than I am, which is why I said above:

"It's no good to say to "non coders" coming over from Ning that Jamroom supports this, but then expect them to modify the templates themselves. They need something already modified, something that works that way "out of the box"."


That's also why I said, please treat this as a "feature request". Can it be part of a Ning Bundle, a module, a skin upgrade, become an easy admin panel selection, something along those lines? Maybe the new design module will take care of it?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM