Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/16/14 10:28:19AM
926 posts

The "Critically Important" Profile Landing Page

Ning To Jamroom

Awesome... I'm going to do my "happy dance" now - lol
peanuts_happy_dance.jpg peanuts_happy_dance.jpg - 23KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/16/14 10:21:27AM
926 posts

The "Critically Important" Profile Landing Page

Ning To Jamroom

And just to add, if you are looking to create a profile index page that is made up of content from the profile, we can do that at the SKIN level. There is no need for any modules or module updates to create that.


Hi Brian - if you can create that at the skin level - please do. I can't over emphasize the importance to our members. Many will just leave us, if we don't throw together something along these lines.

Whether it's hard coded and immutable, or comes with some type of "Profile Dashboard" as Michael suggested, I leave it to you to "work your magic". I can only communicate the need and hope for the best.

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/16/14 10:11:45AM
926 posts

The "Critically Important" Profile Landing Page

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Brian,

I don't know if it's because I have MSkin in the profile area right now, but I'm not able to see what you are referring to.

1) My profile index page only has a comment wall - nothing else.

2) My pages view is titles of pages, not an individual page with a WYSIWYG editor.

3) Ning users are used to a WYSIWYG editor, but only for adding some rich text or perhaps (for the more advanced members), embedding some external content. Not for calling up representative samples of their content. On Ning those all appear automatically. As Strumelia indicated - they seem to us to be "MISSING" like some kind of glaring omission, and our members will feel that way too.

4) You may not have heard about landing page requests up to now, but I've heard from my members already, at least the few who came over to look so far. They are asking where their page is, because all they can see is one view - a guestbook, a blog, a comment wall, a whatever - but they have to click 10 different tabs to see all their stuff. They are used to (and expect), a page that's like a "homepage" for profiles - with a little bit of everything pulled together in one place.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/16/14 09:43:22AM
926 posts

The "Critically Important" Profile Landing Page

Ning To Jamroom

I predict that our networks will live or die based on this issue. I cannot emphasize enough, the importance of this. Let's go back to a few choice quotes from a closed thread to review.

....On your 'profile page' I would expect to see your member photos, videos you may have posted, your blog entries, your personal music clips or playlist, a list of the site Groups you belong to, discussions or forums you have created, and your little bio description about yourself.

Ken:To a Ningster, content on Jamroom seems to be indexed and managed well, but it's highly compartmentalized. One has to click 10 tabs in someones profile to see what they have, instead of one representative page.

We would like a profile landing page that does what the home page does, by pulling up representative samples for display, which lead to the full views.

The file your after is:
/skins/(YOUR SKIN)/profile_index.tpl

[text] {* default index for profile *}

{jrCore_include module="jrAction" template="item_index.tpl"}

Which is just saying "Show the latest actions on the main page".

But there is no reason you cant add a bit of each of whatever you want in there. You could add whatever you want. Perhaps:
* show 3 of the latest videos
* show 3 of the newest blog posts
* show 5 of the latest forum comments

Whatever you want. Check out the jrCore_list function docs for info on how to get a list of whatever:


Then perhaps wrap it a check to make sure the module your after is active. eg: a list of this profiles videos:

{jrCore_list module="jrVideo" show="3" search="_profile_id = $_profile_id"}

I used the profile_id in there because you would only want to show videos belonging to this profile in that list.

Michael:Yeah,there are a few ways to handle it. The one above can be done on any skin. Or the skin designer can build it into the skin that is intended for Ning users when its built if its known what should go into that section.

Another way to do it would be to build something like a "Profile Dashboard" module that allowed the profile user to setup that kind of stuff via an interface.

So there are a few ways to accomplish it.

Now that we've review some of the previous discussion, let me also add that Brian suggested in an email that the member could build a page with the WYSIWYG editor and use the jr embed to place content, then use that as their default landing page by setting it in the profile tweaks area.

I would agree that might make sense for some members, but for others it's not going to work. They simply wouldn't have the skill or patience to implement that solution. It's too convoluted to allow for an "out of the box" good user experience.


I think Michael's idea of a "Profile Dashboard" with some easy options to pick from, would be best. Some options might be:

- A default "hard coded" page that calls up representative samples of available content, with a WYSIWYG editor embedded so that a user editable space also exists. Just like Ning (but without "drag & drop") since it's not ready yet.

- As Brian points out, some won't want the hardcoded layout, so his completely malleable page with just a WYSIWYG editor should be an option.

- Perhaps which representative samples that show up, can be selectable by checkbox? Drop them all to end up with Brian's solution?

- Perhaps Michael's drag & drop module is far enough along that a mini version can be incorporated just for the profile landing page?
updated by @ken-rich: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
Ken Rich
11/16/14 08:01:27AM
926 posts

Important questions about Ning "Groups"

Ning To Jamroom

Yes, I think you have that right, at least at first glance.

One thing you also might also might want to consider is categories. I don't know if the archive data included it, but Community Forums had categories, so there may be a slim chance they could automatically be sorted into those categories on import.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/16/14 07:32:48AM
926 posts

Important questions about Ning "Groups"

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Brian,

I don't think there were profile level forums in the same way as Jamroom. However there was an area that indexed all of a profile's discussions, that was accessible from the profile and also from the community forum.

Oddly, it only showed community discussions that were started but included replies to discussions whether they were in the community forums or groups.

I also think group discussions are perhaps not profile level in the Jamroom sense, they are group level.

I took screenshots to explain - too many to attach here, so I'll send you an email. Also, Paul has administrator rights on my Ning Pro site, so these are all pages you can visit and view the source code if that helps.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/15/14 11:08:02AM
926 posts

Featuring - can be better than Ning

Ning To Jamroom

Thanks Douglas - I'll take a crack at it again and see what happens.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/15/14 09:58:35AM
926 posts

Upgrading from existing “Ning” Pages and Discussions modules

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Brian,

Love the new groups. If I can figure out how to get rid of the left column that would be even better (and also with forums).

I saw something in the last bunch of updates, as if there is a setting now for skins that support it, having to do with removing the left column. Where would that setting be?


You said Nova runs on Ajax and is different from other skins. So now I don't know how much of what is being written in the forums applies only to Ninja.

Also, I'm confused about the custom work Paul has going on with my network. Where does that fit in with these new developments?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/15/14 09:02:52AM
926 posts

my list of things ning migrators will mkiss

Ning To Jamroom

oh side note after installing group discussions ..its empty
is there a way to reasign group discussions to the groups

Actually Paul built a tool for this already but I'm not sure if it's hooked up to the new groups, let me test.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/14/14 04:44:39PM
926 posts

Sending out Invites with "Strong Password" enabled...

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian,

I'll turn it back on. Went pasty white and panic stricken over nothing - whew lol