Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/20/14 03:18:13PM
926 posts

Npages - Embed not working

Ning To Jamroom

Yes - it's not working in the editor. The box opens as per normal and shows the choices. However, after saving the page, the code is not "rendered", it shows "raw" on the page.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 02:49:53PM
926 posts

Facebook Player - words to right, instead of below...

Design and Skin Customization

I'm going to try a wider than recommended picture to see if that will push it down.

If that does't work I'll write them...
Ken Rich
11/20/14 02:47:38PM
926 posts

File Upload Limits

Using Jamroom

Thanks... We'll try resetting the Apache tonight... and integrity check...
Ken Rich
11/20/14 02:44:15PM
926 posts

Internal Server Error - jrCore/router.php on line 305

Using Jamroom

I think those files have something to do with security from what I can gather from help files and such. Therefore, my working theory is that they are part of the server's security protocol

So, I am assuming this particular server writes them in as default and it's not malicious, but rather part of the security. I'm going to drop it and close this out for now... thanks...
Ken Rich
11/20/14 02:35:21PM
926 posts

Facebook Player - words to right, instead of below...

Design and Skin Customization

Wow - just tried it out - totally awesome functionality...

One problem though, the words end up squat to the right of the player, instead of underneath it. (See attached screenshot...)

Does anyone know a fix for this - seem like a simple CSS trick if one knew where the controls were...

Player.JPG.jpg Player.JPG.jpg - 32KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/23/15 04:51:33PM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 02:30:16PM
926 posts

Where is the Installation Documentation?

Profile Badges

updated by @ken-rich: 11/20/14 02:30:32PM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 05:49:16AM
926 posts

File Upload Limits

Using Jamroom

Thank Michael - ACP -> SYSTEM CORE -> QUOTA CONFIG -> MAX UPLOAD SIZE is still showing 128 as the maximum allowed.

My php.ini is set at:

post_max_size = 4096M
upload_max_filesize = 4096M
memory_limit = 4096M

That should give me 1 GB upload size if I am understanding correctly and the server can "take it" (thanks Gary).

I assume that it can "take it" as my server guy is telling me the datacenter have tested and confirmed php upload is now at 1 GB and working.

Therefore, he is saying something else in the script probably needs changing???

He reset the SSH and PHP sections of the server, as he doesn't think a total reset is required. If it is, please advise and he will do it late at night (it's "disruptive").
updated by @ken-rich: 11/20/14 07:36:14AM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 05:37:44AM
926 posts

Where is the Installation Documentation?

Profile Badges

OK - cool... I found it now and have it working...

Feature request - a language file would make it even better. For example - I have no models but I have promoters, I have no moderators but I have Charities...

It would be "the bomb" if we could rewrite those... Still awesome though - thanks...
Ken Rich
11/19/14 07:46:43PM
926 posts

File Upload Limits

Using Jamroom

I have a client who wants to sell a zipped file about 750MB containing her artwork.

So I sent the server guy the help file here -

He set it to 1GB, but it still didn't increase. So he got the data center to set it and they tested it as well.

Still, when I try to upload a file I get the message you see in the sceenshot. Is there something else I need to do? The top setting I see in the quotas is 128 max.
Filesize.JPG.jpg Filesize.JPG.jpg - 53KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/26/14 04:55:08AM
Ken Rich
11/19/14 07:15:12PM
926 posts

Internal Server Error - jrCore/router.php on line 305

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

The server guy checked with the datacenter, and they are saying it's basically impossible. A snippet of their response suggests it might have been manually added.

"The addhanlder settings wouldn't have been added by cPanel or WHM but may have
been added when someone was trying to set up the custom php.ini file"


The trouble with that theory is Paul set-up the initial install and I'm sure he didn't add anything not required manually. I installed Jamroom to the subdomain and I know I didn't add those values.

Therefore it is still a mystery at this point.